It poured today, which I usually love, but my computer was on the fritz which should have made for a cozy day indoors working away, but instead made me a homicidal maniac. I had the uncontrollable urge to throw things, stomp my feet and generally throw a tantrum. Instead, I made an appointment at the Apple Genius Bar and trudged my way through the torrential downpour to calm my frayed nerves. I got there on time and then I waited. Then waited some more. Then waited some more. I finally asked a salesperson if perhaps my appointment wasn’t booked, he looked up my name and said, ‘Your name is on the list and you are next after Max, Mandy, Sarah, Lark and Martin, oh, and John.’ Okay. Trying to control my impatience and simmering rage, which was not directed at the Geniuses but at my computer for forsaking me. I do get completely insane when it comes to my computer not working, I feel like it’s taunting me because it knows I am helpless. When I finally got up to discuss my problem with the Genius, it seems the problem was so minute that my 3 lb. dog George could have fixed it (with her eyes closed, standing on her head.) Sigh.

I will be editing a photo a day for the remainder of 2012::Project MMXII, this is my ‘after’, you can view the ‘before’ here.

P.S. Don’t forget about the Natural History prints giveaway. Here’s the details.

3 thoughts on “MMXII::46::EDITING A PHOTO-A-DAY IN 2012::

  1. Oh honey….I’m sorry you had a bad experience with the Genius Bar! Make sure to provide your feedback with the request form….and in the future, if you have questions about your computer, let me know and I can try and troubleshoot it remotely for you. <3

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