It’s amazing that someone like myself that doesn’t have a ‘real’ job and that lives in the middle of nowhere is so gosh darn busy! I am getting really excited about the start of our Food + Foto class and will be going into town today to the Durham Farmer’s Market for some last minute provisions to work on some shots. I don’t know about all you other photo enthusiasts out there but I LOVE having a photo assignment; it helps me focus and I end up getting a more creative shot, in fact most of my fave images are the ones I shot while in the Souvenir Foto School classes. It also helps that we always have a great community and there is some serious talent to inspire the most photo blocked amongst us. Even though I love photography, I admit that I find it hard to self-motivate myself to go out there and shoot for fun. I shoot almost every day for the shop but it’s not the same. Speaking of the shop, shooting food is a lot like shooting products, you can learn a ton of tips + tricks from studying what food photographers do, except at the end of a session in food photography you can scarf down your subject–nice. 
P.S. I made this with one of the Photoshop actions that comes with the class, it’s one of my ‘paint with light’ actions and allows me to come in and ‘paint’ my photo in areas that I’d like darker or lighter. It’s pretty awesome, ( if I should say so myself).


  1. Food Photography is a hard one for me: 1) I’m more a snapshotographer; 2) I cannot take a good photo indoors to save my life; 3) I really love food–I tend to eat it, before the photo. Sigh.

    But I’m looking forward to seeing true photographers at work!

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