Photo editing made easy!

molasses candy before and after besotted blog

Phew, was that too much? I’ve never put an image this long on the blog before, it could be a huge faux pas, but I haven’t decided yet. Maybe? Don’t worry, it won’t happen again, I was just really excited to show off Chiara’s shop! Do you know Chiara of Molasses Candy?  She’s only one of the world’s most creative people, your thinking sure, Tristan is prone to hyperbole (true) but in this case I am not. If you don’t believe me could you have thought up this, this or this? Okay, I proved my point right? She’s one of those creative people that you scratch your head and think- how did they come up with that?  So, when Chiara commented that she needed help with her photo editing, I was pretty confident that it was going to be easy to do (it was). Color casts? No problem, one click cure!  Less than white backgrounds? No problem a little brushing and ta da! Easy peasy, that’s why this post is so image heavy, because the editing went so fast and was so satisfying. We do know that not everyone’s before images are going to be as pretty as Miss Chiara’s, like I said my first attempts at product photography were hideous, so if yours need a little more work don’t fret, we have you covered!

Tomorrow we are going to give you some resources to help you improve your product photography. If you have a shop and photos you want us to edit so you can see the results of Shopkeeper’s Helper for yourself just leave a link in the comments (seeing is believing)!

Of course if you would like to sign-up for the launch you can do so here!

2 thoughts on “Photo editing made easy!

  1. Amazing! Just utterly fantastic! You have taken my “oh they’re good enough” pictures and made them into EXACTLY what I wanted them to look like from the start! If you have an etsy shop (or any shop) and do your own photos, do yourself a favor and take a look. This is a game-changer! You can quote me on that!

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