Photographer Valeria Spring

Phot by Val Spring via Besotted Blog

Photo by val spring via besotted i

Val Spring photo of Aran G. via besotted blog

We wanted to introduce you to the uber talented photographer Val Spring. Michelle, myself and Sanae were lucky enough to attend her recent gallery exhibit at Dry Goods in Pioneer Square (I call it the Soho of the PNW). Val’s work which I was introduced to at a pop-up shop last holiday season had a profound effect on me. I can tell you up until that point I was feeling a little disenchanted with my own photography, not really inspired in the way that I was hoping would happen after E. arrived. Then I saw Val’s work and if my brain could have exploded with happiness it did, I felt re-invigorated, like I had new eyes, so many ideas began to percolate and even though I am usually more on the reserved side I found myself seeking her out and effusing wildly about how she has re-inspired me.  I feel like it was one of those change your life moments, ever have one? Val didn’t shirk away from my effusion either, in fact she embraced it and encouraged me and I am grateful that she is as kind as she is talented, because seriously I would have been crushed if she thought I was a weirdo. Val’s current work which I couldn’t find on-line is focused on exploring movement, it has the look and feel of film, a dreamy quality without resorting to affected techniques. All of her images to me have a very cinematic feel and to be honest all I want is to be able to shoot like her, but I am hoping to find my own creative voice within her magical imagery. The images of her muses (her daughters) are absolutely frameable works of art, they perfectly capture the essence of being a little girl, the light, oh the light, just everything about her photos makes my heart go pitter patter. There’s something completely relatable within each frame, I wish I could articulate it better, but I am hoping that you go and explore her work a little further for yourself and hopefully she will be adding her new work to her soon to launch fine art photography site soon!

P.S. Here’s a nice little interview with Val!

P.P.S. The last photo is of the equally lovely and talented Aran G. If you want to see more photos like this follow Val on Instagram here. And a huge thank you to the ever stylish Susan of Fleurishing for the kindest mention today, she’s another instagram you should follow especially if you have little’s, I love this shot, dying over this wallpaper and this dress for baby girl passport photo.

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

5 thoughts on “Photographer Valeria Spring

  1. Oh my goodness! You made my year with this amazing post. I had no idea you posted this until now. THANK YOU!!! You are incredible and I’m feeling inspired by you and your words. Looking forward to more coffee dates and chats and to working with you. <3

    A big fat bear hug.

  2. Thank you Valeria, I feel so lucky to have met you and to have been introduced to your talent!

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