I once read that when you hear about a celebrity being hospitalized for exhaustion that it’s a complete fallacy, that it would be near impossible to be hospitalized for exhaustion–I beg to differ. I am more tired than I have ever been in all my life. If I could sleep for a month straight I may still not get back to ‘normal’. We looked at half a dozen places today they ranged from ‘okay, if you paid me to live here I might’, to ‘no way in heck would I live here’. I mentioned to my husband at the end of the day that I was disappointed that we didn’t find anything today. He said he wasn’t, he informed me he anticipates this being the second longest week of his life (the first being the drive here). He thinks I’m a little picky. Whatever…


  1. Moving sucks. But moving more than once sucks even more! My advice is search for something you love and never want to leave! (This coming from the girl who moved six times in three years and finally found a place to call home).

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