Today is my birthday and I considered not writing a post, take a day off, celebrate sort of thing when I realized there was no better place I’d like to be than here with you! Okay, Paris or a tropical paradise might be a nice runner-up… I am not coming in here today to brag that I’m a year older, sheesh, no one likes a braggart, but to share a little tradition and maybe you might want to take it up as well. On my birthday I like to write out a list of things I would like to accomplish for the year ahead, it’s kind of like a new years resolution but I don’t have to give anything up. One year I wrote out 101 things I’d like to accomplish in 1001 days. I only wrote 65 of my 101 things, but I actually accomplished quite a few of my ‘goals’. Some of the items I can cross off my list were get married to my Fancy-check! Move out of our apartment and out of Los Angeles-check! Drive cross country- check! Take a calligraphy class-check! Re-read the classics-check! Teach a photo class-check! Sell some of my photographs-check! Have some of my photographs published in a major magazine-check! Leave my horrible job-check! Have Besotted Brand be my job-check!!! Move to the country-check! Have a baby (working on it). Re-design my blog (one day!) There’s some others that are coming into fruition as I write this, but I promise to divulge them when they have become a reality.  I have not been coy about admitting my propensity to procrastinate so to be able to see everything I have been able to accomplish in such a relatively short amount of time has been very inspiring. It’s so easy to focus on what we haven’t attained, instead of what we have. I think part of that problem is not having the ‘documentation’ to look back on. If I hadn’t made this list I might have forgotten half (or more) of the things I wanted to accomplish and then when I did do them I wouldn’t have remembered that I wanted to, then I wouldn’t have the incredible satisfaction of taking pen to paper and crossing off my list.  I am writing a new list today and pinning it to my wall, I want to be able to see it everyday and review where I am at, I like to make myself accountable (someone has to do it). 
I want to thank you all for sharing my journey with me here, those that stuck by me when I had a horrible job and had my pay cut in half and there were no new jobs in sight, thank you for letting me share my fear, frustration and your hope. Those that encouraged my photography and gave me the confidence that I needed to be able to pursue my hobby with great gusto, thank you! All of you that made my transition from decision to moving cross country (into the country) and cheering me on, gosh, thank you! Everyone that has shopped at Besotted Brand, worldwide y’all; that just blows my mind and makes me 21 kinds of happy (and grateful), thank you! Those of you that stop by here, my tiny portion of the interwebs,  I just feel so lucky all the time like I’ve won some secret lottery of life, thank you, thank you, thank you!

P.S. Monday we are opening up registration for our world famous Souvenir Foto School! We are doing a Food + Foto edition and it looks  like it is wrapping up to be quite the class!!!

36 thoughts on “101 THINGS IN 1001 DAYS + A THANK YOU

  1. happy birthday miss b. and may i ask who designed the card on the left hand side of this picture? is that rifle paper co?

  2. Happy Birthday! Such a great thing to do on your special day, write a list of goals for the next year ahead. I applaud you for accomplishing many of them, especially some of the bigger ones like moving and changing jobs. You really are an inspiration. Cheers!

  3. have a wonderful birthday, miss b! and i love your birthday list idea and think i might just steal it :) absolutely agree on the sense of accomplishment that may be missed when you don’t write these things down.

    xo go celebrate!

  4. Oh, a happy birthday to you–and many marks off your list in the coming year! xo

    PS–and thank you for giving us such a lovely place to visit!

  5. Happy birthday:):):):) I like 101 goals in 1001 days. When you only do the amount that you have in years (aka 24 while 24) I don’t know about you, but I have more then 24 goals a year!

  6. Happiest of birthdays, Miss B! I hope you have a wonderful year filled creative accomplisments and more beautiful photos to share. It’s been so sweet to follow along on your recent adventures.

  7. Ah, thank you ladies!!!! Truly. So happy to celebrate this day with you and from all over the globe, what a thrill!

    Torrie that card on the left is from Sugar Paper (and is the cutest EVER, no?) I think the lettering is the wonderful Molly Jacques!

    Allison, I agree I always have more than doing say a 24 in 24, but as I am getting older I maybe able to do one soon, hah!

  8. Happy Birthday to you! You are such a creative inspiration each day. Love your blog posts and I use your stamps all the time. They are so good. I wish you a fun day and a beautiful year!

  9. Happy, Happy Birthday!!! I love your thoughts on a list of accomplishments. So often, as you said, we forget all we have succeeded in achieving during a given period of time. I wish you a wonderful year with many successes and happy memories. You are an inspiration!

  10. Happy Birthday! I just recently found your blog and I love it. The stunning photos, beautiful pretties in your shop, and the fab hand lettering you’ve been doing. One day, I hope to follow in your footsteps and get the heck out of dodge (in my case, Chicago) and move somewhere with a slower pace. I’m a huge fan. Keep up the great work!

  11. thanks so much for the tip! YES, that is the CUTEST card ever! i was so inspired that i had to COPY it in my own sketchbook (for illustration and lettering practice)! and i follow molly jacques, too! one of my favorites! thanks so much!

  12. Happy belated birthday to you! May your year be grand & maybe some fun surprises pop your way….. That card is too cute & so true!

    {& my birthday is 9/22}

    I should mention the stapler is matte grey & silver. Matches your blog color! Why on earth I said slate?–um, it’s not slate color :)

    Oh, happy— happy week to you!

  13. Happy Birthday Miss B!!! I love the list idea and may have to try that this year. you are ever inspiring!!

    -katie m.

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