‘We’re going on a what?!  A road trip?  No. Way. Serious?  I love road trips’,  so says my 3lb dog.  Okay, technically she didn’t speak, but we do understand each other quite well, a telepathic conversation of sorts or projecting but either way it seems we are on the same page.

By the time you read this– myself, The Fancy and our two fur babies should be on the road.  If we are not, please note that there are swear words and objects being hurtled through our flat. I plan on being on the road by 8 a.m. and even that seems like a late start, but alas, I shall not be such a nagging Nelly (for at least the beginning of the trip). I will reserve my neurosis for later in the day, when the Fancy tells me to ‘make it official and hop in the back seat’.  Sorry, I get nervous as a passenger, I think I have a right to pump non-existent breaks and point out that he is invading someone’s ‘space cushion’. We’re on our way to San Francisco and I couldn’t be happier, we haven’t gone there together for about six years too long. I was gifted two free nights at a posh hotel in the city and we were planning to save them for later but the Fancy’s Gran hasn’t been great so we figured we would plan a vacation + visit. Originally  we were going to visit a baby hippo in San Diego this month but I don’t think I could forgive myself if we did that and things weren’t great with Gran. Of course I shall be Tweeting my heart out like I did on my last trip and I am hoping a few people will pipe up about what we should do as I don’t have this trip planned to the ‘nth of it’s life like I did for the baby hippo excursion.  I am not known for my spontaneity, but life doesn’t always follow my best laid plans.


  1. well hello, i have just spent some time off and on throughout the day visiting many of your posts. i have had a blast! i have downloaded many lovely and creative gifts. i am going to have tons of fun using them. i wanted to thank you sooooooo much and send some love your way. ♥ i am sure i will be back, you crack me up, a ton!! have a great trip and be back soon.

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