Gift Guide Seattle local

Sure, Seattle locals (and locals at heart), could stuff their stockings with Starbucks cards and  call it a day, but there are plenty of smaller Seattle businesses that deserve some local holiday love. Did you know Moorea Seal is a Seattle local? She fills her online (and now brick and mortar!) shop with tons of gift-worthy items. You may notice another familiar small business on the list, that’s right – Besotted Brand calls Seattle home too!-michelle.

I am going to interject and add my Seattle 2 cents. if you are unfamiliar with the Emerald City, you may be surprised that it is such a creative hub (I know I was). I have been so grateful to be part of this community in even a minute way and we wanted to do a Seattle guide to celebrate and highlight some of that talent (all credit on the sleuthing I give to Miss Michelle). Cassandra of Coco + Kelly fame has just taken on an enormous undertaking a local holiday pop-up if you live here or are planning on visiting, it may be worth a drop in!-tristan.

fig. 01 | fig. 02 | fig. 03 | fig. 04 | fig. 05 | fig. 06 | fig. 07

P.S. I picked up my nibs + ink and started some lettering for the first time in 12 months, it felt AMAZING. I highly recommend finding even 10 minutes of time to do something you love. If you are curious, to create the ‘cheers’ lettering I used this nib, on this paper, with this ink. You can find some of my fave supplies here. I’ll elaborate more in another post on what my experience was getting back to it (nope, not like riding a bike!)


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