see san francisco giveaway

Today when I went to choose a winner for the See San Francisco book by Victoria Smith, I said my daughter’s favorite phrase out loud–uh-oh.  No one had decided to play along to win, which could mean that I A) made the giveaway too hard B) I didn’t inspire you enough last week C) I wrote so much in my post that by the time you got down to the bit about the giveaway your brain had glazed over. D) All of the above.

Thomas Edison was quoted as saying, ‘Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.’  I am not giving up. So, let’s try this again shall we?  I’ll make it easy peasy this time. I, Tristan B. was inspired by Victoria’s book to get out and shoot in my neighborhood and in that little frenzied excitement I decided I wanted to share my inspiration with you and give away a copy of her book. If you my dear friend would like to be inspired as well and try to win a copy of this book (I’ll choose on Saturday, May 2, 2015) then answer this question in the comments:

Is there a book you would recommend that has inspired you to go out and do/make something?

The winner will be chosen randomly, but I do love to read what has inspired you and perhaps I will be even more motivated to go out and shoot/create, who knows? Maybe even motivated enough to brush my hair and put on a t-shirt without food stains on it (I am still playing the new mom card). Good luck!

I used this custom number generator and  No. 14 was chosen which is Claire, congrats!  Thank you to everyone that added their inspiration we want to figure a way to keep this easily accessible as reference as they were all great, really, thank you!

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.


  1. I love your honesty and that you’re trying this again and transparently admitting what didn’t work before :) I always love hearing about new sources of inspiration- the best for me wasn’t a book, it was this video (which you’ve probably already seen). When I’m feeling lazy or uninspired I watch it over again and it always helps:
    Bookwise, the novel Atlas Shrugged really fuels me creatively. Dagny’s passion for doing the best job she can, never giving up, and recognizing that fire in others (or the lack thereof) made me rethink my whole perspective on entrepreneurship. There are tons of other themes in there (and it’s certainly long enough for all of them!) but personally, I came away with a huge focus on the quality of my work. Interestingly, it just occurred to me that the video link is largely about pushing through quantity to get to quality whereas the book is more about striving for quality always- two methods, same goal.

  2. Hi Tristan!
    Thanks for sharing the See San Francisco book. It’s on my wish list because my daughter just relocated to San Francisco (new career as flight attendant). I’ve never been there but will definitely be planning a trip to the West Coast.
    I wanted to share a fantastic book that has inspired many projects. Teeny Tiny Gardening by Emma Hardy. I love gardening…on a small scale. This book is filled with project ideas for outdoors as well as indoors. Check out some of my beloved terrariums on my Instagram if you’d like ( linda_arandas). Hope it inspires you!

  3. I love that you’re giving this another go — especially because this book is on my wishlist! I love San Francisco. A book that inspired me to make something is Happy Handmade Home by the girls at A Beautiful Mess. Even if I don’t make the exact projects in the book, it made me want to make something!

  4. So glad you’re doing this again. It’s a beautiful book! I am always inspired to read and write more when I read (an re-read) Time Was Soft There by Jeremy Mercer. It’s a first-hand account of the creativity encouraged by former owner of the Shakespeare & Co. book store in Paris, George Whitman. Artists, writers, and anyone who needed a place to stay in Paris was given a temporary home in the book store. Mercer’s account is about pulling from the kindness of others to find his own creativity and to do something meaningful.

  5. Cooking Light Global Kitchen really lit a fire under me and after reading it I headed straight to the grocery store. It really inspired me to try some new foods from around the globe. That’s what I loved about it; so many experiences from different cultures. I had many a successful meal! Thanks for the giveaway; my hubby is from SF so I’d love to win it for him, he gets homesick from time to time.

  6. Love Does by Bob Goff has made me want to go outside my comfort zone and experience adventure in new ways and with a fresh perspective. It is a refreshing and challenge call to action. I loved it! I would highly recommend it.

  7. What a delightful giveaway! I visited San Fran briefly 2 years ago, and I’ve been yearning to go back! For me, the biggest inspiration comes from a well written memoir or autobiography. For instance, I just got done reading Caitlin Doughty’s “Smoke Gets in your Eyes and Other Lessons from the Crematorium” – it inspired me to get out there and listen to others. I have a passion for collecting stories (from the mundane to the grandiose) and transforming them into a preserved medium (similar to StoryCorps)… A good memoir always jolts me awake and reminds me that everyone has a story that matters… And how important it is that we preserve them all for our future generations.

  8. The Exquisite Book of Paper Flowers by Livia Cetti has been fueling me for months now. I can honestly say it’s the only craft book I have that’s in danger of falling apart from being used so thoroughly. What I love the most is that it’s helped me to reconnect to a more childlike joy, the joy of creation that sometimes gets misplaced when you’re a creative for hire. I’m grateful for the inspiration! (P.S. I think we’d have so much fun in San Francisco TOGETHER!)

  9. Louise Eldrich wrote a line in her beautiful book “The Painted Drum” in which the main character says, after seeing a spider’s web, “What is beautiful that I make?”
    I have been in pursuit of finding and making my own beauty ever since.
    Thank you for this offer. Just the name San Francisco conjures so many wonderful memories.

  10. I started a fun book called 365-a daily creative journal by Noah Scalin. It inspired me to make something every day based on a simple prompt.

  11. Humans of New York always!! I adore the snippets of raw reality from the hundreds, even thousands of people interviewed, it makes the world seem so much more real when you remember that everyone has a story to tell. I am bursting to ask people the questions that he does, but haven’t quite worked up the courage to approach strangers yet, hopefully sometime soon!!

  12. This past Christmas I received a copy of the Huckleberry Cookbook and it has completely changed my ideas about home-baked goods and the effort our local bakeries make to create such delicious and flavorful treats! The book talks lots about bread and being the avid baker I like to pretend to be, it really spoke to me and has inspired me to BAKE MORE BREAD! There’s nothing like good bread and when I can make it myself, it is truly life changing.

  13. Creatively one of the most inspiring books I’ve read was Pilgrim At Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard. She describes exploring outdoors so beautifully I had to get out and do it myself. Practically speaking, The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy inspired me so much in practically meeting my everyday goals that my daily life looks drastically different than it did before I read that book. See San Francisco looks so beautiful, I am definitely going have to check it out!

  14. I am inspired by ‘Bringing Nature Home’ by Ngoc Minh Ngo with floral arrangements by Nicolette Owen. It inspired me to branch out and plant more exciting flower and plant varieties in my garden as well as begin foraging (responsibly) for wild elements growing in neglected spaces and on roadsides. With this combo I’m motivated to arrange with more out of the ordinary specimens!

  15. I have several shelves of cookbooks. But when I get bored with cooking the same old things for dinner I pull out any one of several Mark Bittman books and I always find something that strikes my fancy. It get inspired and some practical tips.

  16. A new recipe book always inspires me to eat better and experiment more in the kitchen, getting away from my go-to recipes. A few favorites are At My French Table, A Kitchen in France and It’s All Good.

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