Every morning when I walk into our new kitchen and grab my cup of extra strong coffee (thanks to my husband), I go out my French doors on to my wood deck and see that our 4 acres of backyard and the neighbors pond (!) are covered in the most glorious sheath of fog.  Even though we are going on day 18 without a moving truck, I can still revel in all the amazing that I have been able to experience. Last night it was fireflies–fireflies people!  I have never seen fireflies before; I didn’t even know that we would have fireflies here. My husband was very matter-of-fact that there were fireflies outside, ‘Babe, have you seen the fireflies?’ Uhm, no, I have never seen fireflies before and this is basically a small miracle. My goal with this move was to be closer to nature, but I had no idea what was in store for me (I am totally going to skip tick-gate 2012). When we were sitting on the deck yesterday morning I saw a stork.  Can you wrap your mind around that one? A flip, flappin’ jackin’ stork! My husband thinks it’s a sign, unless that stork is delivering our future baby in it’s beak I am not going to believe in signs just yet.  Did you know storks are nearly 3 feet high?  They can have a wingspan of over 10 feet, they are magnificent!  I have never given a stork the time of day and now I can’t wait to see if I can photograph one for y’all. When we were in Georgia a couple of months ago there were birding boutiques in every strip mall, I haven’t seen any here, but I am anxious to join in on this Southern birding extravaganza; you know how I love me some Victorian pursuits. Any day now I might go into a fern frenzy.  I’m curious have any of you gotten into any genteel past times? Birding, ferning, badminton, croquet?

8 thoughts on “STORK SIGHTING

  1. very cool that you saw a stork on your land, but i am amazed that you haven’t seen a firefly until the other night!! excited for you to experience many more small miracles!

  2. sadly no fancy past-times here but I am so excited for you that you have fireflys where you live. I have only seen them once in my life and I could hardly believe they were REAL.

  3. Welcome to the South! I played badminton with my nephews over this past weekend. It wasn’t very genteel though. They turn everything in to a full contact sport! Hope you enjoy the lightning bugs all summer!

  4. I’m in the “ferning” craze…I have 3 starts and must have ferns marching around our Annabelle hydrangeas. {and my hydrangea craze is another matter}
    croquet, badminton?—rather poke my eyes out with needles

  5. What a lovely sight to behold! As for genteel past times–I grew up with badminton and croquet. I still like to break them out every now and again–being I have nary an athletic bone in my body, it’s as close to sports as I get.

  6. Wow! I’ve only seen one-in the Alsace region of France (my heritage)…and they are such good luck! The one we saw practically dive bombed our car, and it was huge! So majestic though…beautiful.

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