This very well may be a goat, but since it’s Monday let’s believe that it’s a cross between a panda and a lamb because that would be, uhm, rad. I received an email the other day with the subject line, “I want one”, I usually ignore my piles of emails for days before I click open (I get overwhelmed by my inbox) but if you have a clever enough subject line I am impervious to the siren cry of cute. I knew that behind ‘curtain number two’ was going to be something to make my heart sing and the sender Miss Jules never ever disappoints with her links. This however was shockingly original even for someone that always sends me something cool.  A goat/lamb creature that looks like a panda? Well, sheesh I want one now too.

Happy Monday to you all!  I am looking forward to this week, I am hoping (fingers and eyes crossed) that I can make a special announcement at the end of it, but if not you’ll always have the elusive panda lamb to make this week worthwhile, no?
P.S. I couldn’t find photo credit, darn Pinterest, if this is your photo or you know who was lucky enough to shoot this, let me know and I am happy to give glory where it is due.


  1. This is way too cute! I especially love the black spots on the “knees” (does this creature have knees?)

    Wishing you an excellent week and thanks for starting Monday off with a smile!

  2. How very adorable!! So glad to find you and your site!

    Art by Karena

    Do Come and enter my Great Giveaway from Serena & Lily!

    You will love it!

  3. Oh my gosh! I want one, too! Along with a little teacup pig! I think they’d be the best of friends! Cute and cute! :)

  4. This is a Blacknosed sheep from Valais. I have no idea who was the origional poster on Pinterest, but I did a little research this morning to identify this little guy.

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