The Myth of Overnight Success

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I’ve never been (and will likely never be) an overnight anything. For the most part, I prefer the winding path because it affords time for creativity and contemplation, which are two of my favorite things (see Action over Analysis post for possible side effects). This is not to say that I’m content to be stagnant – far from it! My path is bursting with grand ambitions, hard work, and high hopes. So it should come as no surprise, that even from this happily meandering route, I am not immune to a twinge of envy when I read what seem to be overnight business success stories. Who wouldn’t? The meandering path can be a tough way to pay the bills, and a chubby bank account sure would make life easier…but I need to remind myself that those stories are few and far between – that’s what makes them remarkable and not mundane. If all it took to attract legions of followers and through-the-roof sales was putting up a website and signing up for Instagram, there would be nothing noteworthy about it and we’d all be millionaires, and easy street would be packed elbow to elbow, standing room only.

what a shame it would be to dim your own light because someone else’s is shining brightly.

Some humans are better at it than others (what ever that “it” may be), but what a shame it would be to dim your own light because someone else’s is shining brightly. The logical side of my brain understands these things, but sometimes logic is undermined by fluttering doubts and misconceived notions about how the path sounds like it’s a whole lot easier for this or that person (usually spurred on by an article about someone I don’t even remotely know).  I have to remind myself that there is no such thing as effortless success, and there’s certainly nothing effortless about sustaining success. Everything looks easier once it’s done – a finished product all shined up and neatly presented with a linen twine bow. We don’t see the late nights, the too much coffee jitters, the hair-pulling head-scratching problem solving messiness that comes with the execution of all great things.

So, if you have these green-eyed moments too, and are starting a blog, or have had one for years but have only attracted a handful of readers, or have an Etsy shop, or small product line that is paying for your supplies, but is far from paying the rent, take heart. Try not to get discouraged. Business, and life in general for that matter, is not easy for anyone. For every headline about seemingly effortless rapid growth, there is a mountain of preparation and sweat behind it. Remember that there’s always more room at the top – so what if it takes you longer to climb the mountain? Just keep plugging away, one foot in front of the other on your journey and your chances of success will increase astronomically, and every so often, take advantage of the slower pace, pause mid-hustle, and take in the view.


Action over Analysis

This is part of our series documenting our journey with Foto Rx. It may seem like we are moving at 90 mph, with a whirlwind of product releases, classes, collaborations, – and we are right now, but we have been chipping away at this venture for 3+ years and hope to keep working on it for many more!

Author / Miss Michelle P.

Miss Michelle P. is a photographer, and the co-creator of Foto Rx Premium Photoshop Actions. She lives in the Pacific Northwest. Her muse is light.


8 thoughts on “The Myth of Overnight Success

  1. Wonderfully, honestly, written. Thank you for the smile and much else that reading this article gave me.

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