Chalk Pencil Besotted BlogI re-designed this blog with the intention of it becoming a creative resource destination, I had this grand idea that I would create a series called ‘Good to know’. My idea was that I would present information and/or products to you that would be equal parts ‘aha!’ and ‘I am so happy to know that’.  Being that I have been on this earth much longer than most of the visitors here I have aggregated quite a storehouse of info in my little brain.  Most of the time I think, ‘this is lame everyone knows about this already, don’t they?’  After being told time and time again from people that they were so excited by the tid bits I shared in my personal life, I thought what the heck?  If even one or two of you are excited than I am pleased, but secretly I am hoping that more of you are all like ‘whoa, no way’. To that I would counter–‘way’. I wasn’t planning on sharing my first ‘Good to know’ on my Lettering Love post, but it fit and I like order, you?  There’s a current chalk typography frenzy that has blown through the blogosphere like polyester on fire, I don’t know about you, but traditional chalk and myself are not compatible. I have tried and tried, I have even followed a Pinterest suggestion of taking a traditional chalk stick and using a large pencil sharpener to create a point.  I know, this sounds like genius, but it’s stupid, don’t try it, it’s messy and still looks like you wrote out your typographical masterpiece in chalk (but bad chalk). Lately, I have been teaching myself to draw (I will go more into that soon) and was buying some pencils with soft lead when I spied the white charcoal pencils or chalk pencils; yes, the angels indeed started singing and beams of bright light shown (shined?) down from the heavens above. Chalk pencils are exactly what I needed (and perhaps you too?) to create beautiful and legible chalk art.  I love that I can get extra thin strokes, yet I can still get a nice thick stroke as well.  This is brilliant folks!  The best part is that they are very inexpensive and there doesn’t seem to be a difference between brands.  I bought both The General’s Charcoal White and Giocanda’s White Chalk (you can can find them in singles as well) and felt that there wasn’t much quality differential (within the parameters I am using them for).  So, if you were planning on using chalkboard art for your next event or even home decor, I hope I saved you from pulling out all your hair or committing hari-kiri--you are welcome.  Next week I am bringing you an interview with a very admired lettering artist Meredith C. Bullock of Hazel Wonderland so stick with me, k?

P.S. The background is a faux chalkboard d.i.y. by Jenny of Hank & Hunt (a fave).

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She likes the look of chalkboards but not the mess–never the mess.

47 thoughts on “GOOD TO KNOW:: CHALK PENCIL

  1. Most excellent! Thank you for sharing. Starting a kitchen remodel in which I will have floor to ceiling sliding pantry doors painted chalkboard. Will be purchasing these chalkboard pencils for sure!

  2. Hi Mary! I love the idea on the pantry, yes chalk pencil and also quilt chalk mechanical pencils are great too!

  3. I hang on every word you post (not being facetious!!) so please keep sharing. Now i have to go look for these pencils…I always look locally before I look online. It helps keep me frantic!! Seriously. On all that.
    And then quilt chalk pencils… I see above. Really I just love this stuff. I may never use it but I NEED it.

  4. Lol, Debe, I am going to share this note with my husband–‘See someone thinks I am interesting’. He doesn’t understand why anyone would be interested in a chalk pencil! I bought the Gioncanda chalk pencil at A.C. Moore, I believe it was $1.25, so if you have one of those near by. I am sure Michael’s has them (or maybe the quilt one). I am sure Joann’s must have the quilt one and they always are running 1/2 off coupons every week!

  5. Ah, I can’t believe I never thought of chalk pencils when I sew all the time! I got some chalk markers for our kitchen chalkboard wall and am discovering that they don’t erase….and things are looking pretty tacky…must get these brands you’ve listed stat. Lovely lettering, btw.

  6. Oh Sanae, I did not know chalk markers don’t erase! Now that’s a ‘good to know!’ I wish I had time to sew, I love it so much but I don’t have any space to spread out, I used to take classes and it was so much fun, I even loved ripping out seams when I made mistakes (I’m weird).

  7. Wow! I could have used this tip about a week ago! See my chalkboard art on my blog…and yes, it was messy. Actually, I want to do another one but I can’t bring myself to erase it. ;) Maybe new chalk pencils will give me the courage!

  8. The neon chalk markers don’t erase at all and the white one leaves a ghosting (is that even a word?) effect so that you can still clearly see what was written/drawn before. I suspect I need some special erasing fluid…I have no space to sew either! My house is a disaster as a result. And I totally know what you mean about ripping out seams – I like to watch really bad TV while seam-ripping :-).

  9. I never thought of using chalk pencils on a chalkboard. I am thrilled with this idea and will pick some up tomorrow. I hope they erase well. I did use the chalk markers and they look great, but did not erase. I had to repaint my chalkboards to get rid of the chalk marker remains. Thanks for this “ah ha”.

  10. Lynn, I felt like they had the same staying power as chalk, so they erased well for me on both a chalkboard and the black cardstock (I wrote that ‘fine’ out a few times before I got it to my liking). If you write on a chalkboard you can always use a damp cloth for stubborn chalk marks, but it’s pretty malleable.

  11. Sanae it looks like other people tried the markers and couldn’t erase either, but they probably are good for people who want the look of chalk without the mess? Ah, seam ripping, I know I am not supposed to like it but I do:)

  12. I love these! They are a God send for thin lines. Just be careful if you want to make your chalk drawing permanent. I found that Fixatif will dissolve the white and your masterpiece disappears. Yikes! Learned that the hard way!

  13. woah. so I just found your blog and I just already LOVE you and your blog!! So clean, chic, and creative! and I am super grateful for this post and for the info about this chalk. SO awesome! xo

  14. I, too, am not one for using chalk. I like the look, most definitely, but I’m always afraid of accidentally scratching my nail on the board. Even just WRITING that right now gave me a shudder. Not. A. Fan.

    But this, this is fantastic! I’ll need to remember it the next time I’m in a craft store!

  15. this IS amazing to know! and i love all the BIG SECRETS OF THE WORLD you share with us on your blog – i do ALWAYS come away with new, USEFUL knowledge that i’m SO happy to know! no joke – that is the EXACT feeling i get. so you’re doing something right! :)

    also, i’m sure you’ve heard of Dana Tanamachi, one of those crazy talented people, who focuses on chalk art and i read through a ton of her interviews… she said the best chalk to use is the cheapest kind from the dollar stores. she said they write so much better than expensive chalk and it’s all she uses for her projects! so maybe give that a shot? i was thinking of trying that one day. also chalk pens are awesome, but the ink tends to splatter at times since it kind of works like white-out pens where you have to press down for the ink to come out (at least the one i’ve tried) and naturally, the ink amount doesn’t come out evenly so you can get globs at a time.

    but anyway, thanks as always for your tips and lettering posts! by far still one of my most favorite blogs ever.

  16. there are some chalk pens that can erase! i forget which brand i used, but it erases with a little windex. maybe try that?

  17. I was having the same problem with my Pentel Chalk Ink Wet Erase Pen. Online I found a suggestion to use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It works like a charm.

  18. I must ask this question. Can you write on a regular chalkboard or a surface painted with chalkboard paint and still be able to wipe it off when using the chalk pencils you mentioned in your blog post?
    BTW thanks for the great information. It’s like you have a knack of reaching inside of our brains and answering the questions that one might feel silly asking.

  19. Yes, it works, it’s regular chalk just in a pencil form:) I do find chalk paint in general is hard to erase, but a damp sponge works!

  20. Thank you so much! You just saved the day from the art store floor. I was all “Can you help me find chalk pencils?” and they’re all like “What the heck is that?” and I was like “Quick, to the internet!” and then I found you. Thanks!

  21. Back in July I designed some “welcome” and “thank you” chalkboard signs for my boyfriend’s sister’s wedding. I swear, constantly trying to sharpen those regular chalk pieces was so tedious! Thank you for posting this in the “good to know” section of your blog. I just bought the General’s brand at, and I’m really excited for them to arrive at my doorstep! I’ll be ready to come out with some more chalkboard designs in no time. Thanks again, Tristan!

  22. I’ve been using the quilter’s chalk pencils for my tile paintings. They work well on acrylic backgrounds because they are easy to wipe away while planning out my paintings :-)

  23. You can get pink chalk pencils they are made for tailoring/sewing so they would be in the sewing section:)

  24. I just painted one of my walls with chalkboard paint. Will these chalkboard pencils erase easily? Also do chalkboard pencils come in different colors.

  25. Hi Mochi, I haven’t tried on a wall but they erase about the same as if you used regular chalk and I think the only other color is pink:) Have fun!

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  27. Hello,

    I have tried to used these charcoal white pencils on my chalkboard. They work wonders however I have to damp my chalkboard in water everytime before the white can appear clear and sharp. Is there a way to write the same on a dry chalkboard without having to wet the board?

    Thanks! =)

  28. Hi Laura:

    I am so sorry, I haven’t had that same problem! But maybe having this comment here someone will chime in:)

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