This is the dress that I won’t be wearing to my wedding, but it is the dress I wish I was.  I had no idea that Etsy had the ability to make my wedding frock dreams come true. This is exactly what I have been searching for–long lace sleeves, above the knee and a beautiful back. The Etsy seller is booked until April 2012, so asking her to re-create this dress in ten days seems to be out of the question. It makes me want to flog myself for not keeping up with my sewing lessons not that I had any aptitude for it, my one foray into clothing was not bad on the hanger but pretty slipshod on my person. No one wants a slipshod wedding dress. I am hoping to find a substitute for this pretty dress this weekend. Where in the h-e-double hockey sticks am I going to find a short white dress with long lace sleeves in the 21st century?  It definitely is a vintage find waiting to happen, but in the City of Angeles our vintage shops are picked over by vultures and there wouldn’t be a dress this magnificent in any of them. By the by, how gorgeous is this bride? I love her loose locks and sweet halo of flowers. I was thinking of a bird cage veil but this little crown is lovely as well. Oh, the last minute decisions!
I want to wish you all a wonderful weekend, thank you for your support and kind words this week whilst I had my mini pre-marital melt down. Your well wishes on our elopement were so appreciated and the stories you shared made me both laugh and cry (tears of joy of course).  Wish me luck on my search and if anyone see’s a dress like this anywhere in the vicinity of mother earth, please send me a link or smoke signals, either one will do.
photo by mandy oliver

14 thoughts on “THIS IS THE DRESS…

  1. The best I can come up with at short notice is the spun sugar shift at BHLDN, its listed under dresses not gowns and rather lovely take a look.

  2. Thank you lovelies for the wishes of luck (need them!). Kara, I am emailing Jill (and thank you for the compliment, I take that as huge one coming from you! Need those scallop scissors like yesterday), and Miss Lindsey I am going to go follow the links, there’s a Trina Turk a couple blocks away!


    Miss B.

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