Sometimes I do indeed feel like I live under a rock, I am embarrassed to admit that I didn’t know about the very special moon last night, the moon that only happens once every 33 years, that moon. If I did know about it maybe I would have done something special like create a list, or make some resolutions or wishes or something. I did nothing. On occasions such as this instead of flogging myself, I decide to just try a little harder starting —right now. It seems to work, nobody (that I know of) has gotten farther in life by berating themselves. One way to move onward and upward is to do a little self introspection, but unless you are inclined to journal or go to therapy, which I am hopeless at both (which is why I probably should be doing both), is to break out Moorea Seal’s 52 Lists Project book. Moorea, a dedicated list maker started the 52 Lists Project on her blog and it soon became a huge hit, which became her book (who doesn’t love a good list?) Her book is part journal (via the lists), part inspiration and a whole lot of eye candy via the beautiful photographs and illustrations. I think today is as good a day as any to give away one of Moorea’s beautiful books and what better way to do so than to pose a question from her book? This was a hard question for me to answer and feel free to add more than one item, because if you asked me about my childhood dream job it would probably be quite huge (and amusing). In order to enter to win add your answer in the comments:
List your childhood and current dream job
We will choose a winner on Monday, October 5, 2015! Good luck!
P.S. I’ve read many books about writing things you want down and somehow they miraculously come into fruition, who knows? By writing your dream job down it just may happen…
Miss Tristan B. is the co-creator of the world’s best + easiest product photography editing tool-Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.
The dream job of both my childhood and present life was and is be a writer. Maybe dreams can come true…
When I was in first grade I knew I would grow up and be an artist. Now I design typefaces (fonts). And am a graphic artist.
When I was eight years old I proudly proclaimed to the world that I was going to be a publisher when I grew up. I loved books and spent a lot of time at the library near our house. I’m not sure where the idea came from but it still cracks me up (and interest me a bit.) Mydream job now would be Nat Geo photographer, without all the danger of course.
When I was younger I wanted to be an artist.Today, I still long to be an artist, but I also dream of starting an organization to help combat food inequality in urban areas.
my childhood dream was to be an artist, and that evolved into my current (dream) job of being a photographer.
Childhood dream: teacher and/or a voice on the radio (actor or broadcaster)
Today’s job: graphic designer
Today’s dream job: graphic design professor, craftsman (work with my hands all day), or a small town librarian (reading and story time and bulletin boards and displays galore!)
I always wanted to be a vet – I loved animals. But I also loved music and ended up as a freelance pianist.
Apparently I told my Grandmother when I was small that I wanted to be a professional rollerskater. When she told me that that wasn’t really a proper job, my next answer was that I would like to be a ‘washer upper for other people’. I’m now a Graphic Designer and work for myself which I love, but I’d also really like to spend more time painting, working with clay and also try my hand at writing a novel – it’s hard to find the time to get away from the computer and focus on those pursuits but it’s something that I have resolved to do more of.
When I was 7 years old I announced that I wanted to be a CEO when I grew up. :)
When I was a child I wanted to be a professional ballerina or an archaeologist… Today, I dream about being a restaurant critic… Pondering on the journey in between!
As a child, I always wanted to be a veterinarian – I loved animals, but didn’t think about what else it might entail (eek, blood). Now, my dream job would be something creative – a photographer? A graphic designer? I’m trying to affect a change in my life that will allow this to happen. :)
As a child I wanted to be an artist and currently I continue on my journey of being an artist. My goal as an artist is to create art that heals the world.
I remember when my mom would always tell me that when I was younger, I would tell her that I would be a veterinarian by day and a ballet dancer at night. I have always been fond of animals and have loved the gracefulness of each movement in ballet. Now, my current dream job is to become a theater actress. This love for theater blossomed when I was chosen to play Hermia from A Midsummer Night’s Dream back when I was in the 6th grade. I have been acting since then, all throughout my high school and college years. Then I became an “actress” for my kids whenever we’d play make-believe and whenever I read them books. Now, I just want to channel that again back on stage and have my husband and kids watch me this time :)
As a child there was a slew of things that I wanted to be, and wanted to achieve. Cowgirl, lawyer, backup dancer for Madonna, you name it was probably on my list. Funny to think I was making lists even as a child. As an adult, and many lists later, my dream job now is to be a mother. Sure there are still many other things I would like to accomplish, but right now that is my number one. I want to be there for my child when one day they tell me they want to be a chef, and the next they want to be the president. Those are the moments I am looking forward to. That’s my dream job.
Looking back, I see only reference to design/artistic work — from love of coloring, re-creations of my bedroom and handwriting, to a drawing of a cake pedestals (favorite part of a first grade bakery field trip). When I was finishing school, guidance was weak and mention of artistic pursuits, as a career, nil. Earlier Career: various not so fulfilling jobs, dabbling with art & design, while being Mom. Currently: on-call G’ma (best thing ever!) and still dabbling — bookarts, calligraphy and party design. Dream Job: earn some “career” money with one or more of these “dabblings”.
3rd Grade: an artist
4th Grade: a hairdresser to famous actresses and super models
College: a movie director
Now: an entrepreneur at the intersection of dogs, art, sustainability, humane treatment of animals, fashion, eating to live, and grief
I don’t remember anytime that I didn’t want to be a mom. It was my ulitmate goal. Sadly though, after being blessed with four amazing kids I felt that I hadn’t accomplished as much as my friends who had careers. It took a counselor to make me realize I had become exactly what I wanted all along. And I was fortunate enough to be able to raise my kids without working outside the home. Now that I’m almost done raising babies I feel a little behind in the journey to my design career, but I know God’s timing is perfect. I’m right where I’m suppose to be and have four kids, making a difference in this world, to show for my success at my first dream job.
In my fifth grade yearbook, I’m quoted that my dream job was to be the first woman president…Which would be amazing, of course! But now, I have my true dream job of being a mommy, entrusted with my baby daughter’s and foster son’s hearts and minds to believe that they are dearly loved, and can change the world.
Then me: writer/vet
Now me: entrepreneur (doing what, I have no idea!)
Y childhood dream job was helicopter pilot (which still secretly wish to become) and my current dream job would be a food stylist/photographer based out of England.
I wanted to be a marine biologist so I could play…er care for baby sea otters.
I wanted to be an artist, and now I want to be a full time working artist! :)
When I was younger, I wanted to be an elementary school teacher just like my mom!