I had a photo outing a few months ago with a guy I met on Craigslist*.  If that doesn’t sound like a missing person’s story ready to happen I don’t know what does.  How about if I told you that we went into secluded woods to shoot and it wasn’t just me but eight other guys, me being the only female shooter?  I know sounds creepier by the second right?  Fortunately, there were two models and the creep factor was non-existent.  The day was an adventure and although I thought it was going to be more of a workshop/outdoor classroom type day (it wasn’t), it was still a great experience. Prior I was taught to never shoot during high noon (especially a portrait)  but we shot in all kinds of light from dark, shady and dramatic to the brain melting hot sun. I am just now getting around to starting my edits.  I probably would have left these shots on my hard drive for eternity but I was making myself some black and white actions and thought why not a blush and warm gray?  I knew that I had a photo from this shoot that I wanted to try it out on. I think this image looks like it should be on an album cover.  I created the Blush + Gray action for download here, (It’s in a folder so click on the folder when you are in the actions palette and it will drop down to the action) it works best on lighter images with blown out highlights (that is if you want lots of creamy blush tones). Here’s a couple other photos from the shoot  here and here. Let me know if you have any questions or problems with the action, I am happy to help if I can (sometimes I may just add to your frustration instead of alleviating it).
*Please note, the guy is a professional photographer/teacher, but it sounds so much better for the story that he was just some guy.

**The action has been updated 8.31.11 and should work perfectly now.


  1. Hi Catherine, it’s so easy it would make you cry (the Fancy even did it on this image and he doesn’t know anything about Photoshop)! Here’s a link for a video tutorial on uploading actions and using them–

    It’ll change your Photoshop life, lol.

    Thanks JennaBrooke, that is a huge compliment!

    Karissa I am an eyebrow freak as well, have you seen these pretty brows?-

  2. Ahhh thank you!! Will be trying this out tonight for sure :)

    Also I had help for my photoshoot from one of the photography students who edited a few of them but I did my own little touches here and there :) Wish I had made it more striking for a harder impact but you can only do so much in such a small amount of time and money!

    Hope you have a great day :)
    Kate .x.

  3. Catherine, I added a note to the post as well. The action is in a folder you need to click on the arrow when it’s in the actions palette and it will drop down and show you the action which you can then hit play. Does that make sense? If not let me know.

  4. SO sorry for being such a tard! I have worked it out now, I think that’s what I was doing wrong (typical ha) I just need to use a different image to what I have tested it on now. Thank you!! :)

  5. Simply beautiful! And funny you should mention an album cover, because that’s exactly what I thought it was at first! :)

    As always, thanks for the freebie. One of these days I’m going to actually learn how to use some of this stuff!

  6. I just found your site and it is very beautiful. And thanks for sharing such a lovely freebies. I really like the blush and grey action, but unfortunalety it does not work. I am using PS5. It tell that the curves are not available or sth like that. I really would appreciate it if you could help me with that.

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