Just when you thought I abandoned my editing project, I am back… I have been doing the edits every day, just not uploading them. It started with no internet and then sort of waned with my having to catch up with the shop when I got back from our road trip. It does take me a little while to get the images numbered, loaded to Flickr, linked and I do have quite a few to go through! I hope this edit makes you think twice about tossing out a photograph or hitting delete before you had a chance to experiment in the digital darkroom. I think most photographers would have thrown the ‘before’ away, I almost did, but something made me stop and I went to work. I am very happy with the result. I have been working on black & white conversion Photoshop actions for years now. I have a deep espresso one I love, but this dark chocolate one was perfect for this edit. I do hope one day to release them to the world, but I am such a perfectionist that it may never happen. I do plan on releasing a set of Foto Rx Photoshop actions, these are actions I use with every edit to get the photograph to a place where the real fun can begin. I have been giving away some free beta copies to my Souvenir Foto School class and will be doing so for the next session as well!
I will be editing a photo a day for the remainder of 2012::Project MMXII, this is my ‘after’, you can view the ‘before’ here.