The weekend is upon us which can only mean that one of these evenings may end up being a movie night.  May I suggest Born into Brothels an Academy Award winning documentary?  It has everything you would want in a movie-love, drama, laughter, action, hope and visual stimulation.  The doc is based on photographer Zana Briski’s work teaching photography to children in Calcutta’s Red light district following some of her most unforgettable students.  If this film doesn’t get you inspired to take some photo’s I don’t know what could. If it didn’t already win the most prestigious award in film I would have voted it into my ‘Miss B’s Documentary Top 20 Hall of Fame’ (another prestigious honor).

3 thoughts on “BORN INTO BROTHELS

  1. One of my all time faves. If your feeling into documentaries check out something like “The Rape of Europa”, “The Art of the Steal”, or “Exit Through the Gift Shop.”

  2. Beautiful but heartbreaking- such joy and creativity from children with so little.

    I was so inspired after I saw it that I called Zana’s organization about donating a camera I no longer used but that was still perfectly good. They were so nice- but all the children get the same kind of camera so there is no competitiveness that way.

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