photo by caroline jensen

I feel like I mention this at least once a year, I am a broken record when it comes to this recommendation, but I think it’s such an amazing resource with such a nominal investment that it warrants my yakking on about it.  The resource is for photo enthusiasts, it’s a forum that has grown into a huge online community of both amateur and professional photographers and even offers some of the best classes in the industry, it’s called Clickin’ Moms–cringe.  I know, I know the name is to be desired, it doesn’t translate what high quality is available to you.  I have belonged to the forum for nearly six years so way before I became a mother myself, so no kiddies required!  If you have any interest in photography it’s worth taking a peek.  I am mentioning again today because I saw that they were offering a free 30 day trial, which I think would give you plenty of time to get a feel of what Clickin’ Moms has to offer.  Even if you don’t join the forum, you can still get a ton of generously ladled out info at their blog.  They are also hosting what looks to me to be an awesome conference called Click Away, oh how I want to attend, it looks like good times!  Sue Bryce, one of my fave photographers is going to be there.  I recently took one of their mini classes called ‘breakouts’ (I know, another unfortunate name, sorry friends!) for creating beautiful black & white images.  I love b & w’s but I always find it hard to know what type of light will translate well into a b&w conversion, after taking the class (on line mind you, at 3 a.m.) I feel like I have a little more of a feel for what I need to do to create a more impactful b&w image.

The photo above is from one of their classes Shooting 304 : The Art of Observation, taught by Caroline Jensen. I am freakin’ in love with this image (beautiful tones), yes, I now totally want to take this class too!  I think you will find there are a ton of classes you will want to take, but just join the forum, it’s inexpensive, lurk, there’s tons of info that’s available and people are willing to answer questions or point you in the direction where you can find answers. It’s free for 30 days so that’s even less of an investment, I love this forum so much I just subscribe automatically now, I don’t want to miss a thing.  I hope you check it out and find it somewhat helpful to you in your photography journey!

photo by caroline jensen

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pups, they just welcomed to the world a sweet baby girl! Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.

2 thoughts on “CLICKIN’ MOMS

  1. Thank you so much for the wonderful review and for sharing my work! I really appreciate it and would love to have you in class someday. <3 Clickin' Moms is certainly my home away from home too.
    Your blog and shop are incredibly lovely!

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