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This is a snapshot from Maybelle’s workshop at Fog Linen in Japan last week, I thought you might want to take a peek at a workshop set-up.  Tell me this doesn’t look like good times!  I am super excited to announce  the winner of Maybelle’s Workshop in A Box, it is…(insert drumroll): Kathleen!  Her winning question was-What would you write in a letter to your younger self?   I loved this question too, there were SO many good ones, this one really needed a pause to think about the answer.  I have enclosed Maybelle’s answer below which I thought was so eloquent. It makes me all weepy, it’s very special and great for anyone questioning their own path and how one career can lead into another and just trusting your instincts.  Follow your heart my dear friends, you never know what magical place it will lead you to…

Dear Younger self,

Right now you are just finishing up your last year in school and your internship at the packaging design firm.  You have just received a letter for an job offer as a flight attendant.  You are questioning this career path as it is not what everyone else with a degree in design takes, but trust me, it is a good decision and one that will allow you to have lots of spare time to explore your life as an artist and designer.

Through your travels not only will you have access to all the best cities around the world on a regular basis, but you will gain crucial life and business skills while meeting so many interesting people. You will make friends in many cities around the world. You will meet your husband, who is amazingly supportive of all the things that you do, he will give you a very special gift, calligraphy lessons which will change your life. You will become an expert at time management and  learn how to function with very little sleep this will come in handy later for your life with your twins.

 You have no idea at the time, but you decide to send samples of your work to Martha Stewart Weddings, and the thank you note that you wrote to the editor will lead to your career as a calligrapher. You will work on very special projects on a regular basis with this magazine which will lead to other projects with brides and commercial clients. You will take some time off (three years  to be exact) once the twins arrive and when you return back to work you discover that you enjoy sharing your love of calligraphy by teaching workshops and inspiring others.

 You will find a nice working mom/ family life balance by teaching small workshops first in San Francisco and then Los Angeles, Portland, New York City, and then Sydney, Melbourne, Tokyo and now Singapore. All the things that you love to do Travel, Design and Calligraphy all go hand in hand now.  Just remember to always be yourself, trust your instincts and have no regrets.

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She recently re-located to sunny Seattle with her handsome husband and two pups, they just welcomed to the world a baby girl. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.


  1. Congrats Kathleen! Really great question and lovely response from Maybelle. I wish I had a letter from my older self right now :)

  2. Oh, my goodness! Did this really just happen?! (Really?! So happy right now!) Somebody pinch me!

    Thank you so much for choosing my question to answer and for hosting this wonderful contest! I absolutely loved reading Maybelle’s letter to her younger self. It brought tears to my eyes and so much warmth in my heart. I’ll be sharing this letter with my 14 year-old daughter, in hopes that it will fill her with the same kind of inspiration and excitement that it did when I read it, along with a sense of comfort in knowing that life is filled with many surprises and adventures up ahead! Thanks again! xo

    PS I can’t wait to receive the lovely “workshop in a box”! (SO very happy!) And who knows where this box of inspiration will take me… Many, many thanks! xo

  3. Thank you for sharing this! I adore Maybelle- she is so gifted. This post is so touching…Congrats Kathleen!! You will LOVE the box!!

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