Okay, I admit that wild boars have nothing to do with CSS Pretty, but wild boars do make you stop and look, right? They are kind of like the nature version of a car crash on the highway, you know you shouldn’t be staring but you can’t help yourself (for the record, I don’t stare at car crashes, maybe sometimes, I always feel awful though and  hope no one was injured). Back to CSS Pretty, I have had a few false starts in trying to learn anything to do with coding. I was convinced that my brain must be too old to process this new fangled technology as each book I read or site I visited about this subject left me with my mouth open, drooling and a wha?!?! expression on my face. That is until Katrina of Pugly Pixel announced her CSS Pretty course.  I will admit I am not going to be designing websites anytime soon, but that’s not her intention with this course, it’s to give you a basic overview, which in turn empowers you. Yes, I wrote empower. Anyone that has ever dealt with a coder and knew nothing of the behind the scenes working of the code knows what I mean, as you feel completely powerless and out of your element. Katrina gives you the tools to get your code on, she does this via video tutorials (short & sweet), all very organized and uber professional.  My only complaint is that I wish she did this sooner, but she probably wasn’t even a twinkle in her parents eye when I embarked on my web journey. Katrina also gives two options a d.i.y. version and a workshop one.  I think if you learn at your own pace than go with the d.i.y version but if you have a ton of questions (like moi) than go with the workshop version. If you are a ‘try before you’ buy sort of person, than check out her free sample video, it’s what really sold me, it is beautifully designed + easy to follow. I am so happy I found this course. If you have an online presence but don’t know the first thing about code and are anxious to learn than this course should be perfect for you!
As for the above boars? It’s a photo from a wonderful day spent at the museum of Natural History. They are as scary on the wall as I assume they are in real life…


  1. Christine & Andrea, Katrina is a game changer for sure, I no longer feel like some lame damsel in distress:) Thank you Kathy, you were right I actually COULD learn, go figure? I am sure I will be sending you smoke signals soon enough, lol!

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