Can you believe this was taken out of a car going 80 miles per hour? Me neither I usually spend an inordinate amount of time trying to avoid camera shake and my inability to sit still does not help my cause. I also shoot my digital camera as if it had expensive rolls of film placed in it, being very, very careful not to ‘waste’ a shot. Some people would think this is a great way to shoot, that I am more thoughtful with my compositions, but really part of the excitement of digital is being able to throw caution to the wind and just ‘go for it’. On the ride home I decided to be more carefree and took shots like this from a speeding vehicle. I know if I was thinking of my camera as a film camera I would have never wanted to be so spontaneous with my shooting. How fun to be able to come home and see which shots turned out OK, which one’s failed (delete) and which one’s would make it on to the blog. Gosh darn I love technology.
::photo by:miss b::
I’ve actually tried to get a great shot going heck 60 miles an hour. Not even close to as good as this one. Your right about technology as I can’t imagine trying to shoot this with out a digital camera.
As I said on Flickr, this is great! What was your shutter speed?
I’ve done that with mine using the motion mode…it’s amazing what I’ve captured flying down the highway! (when I’m not driving, ha)
Hello Miss B!
Hey, I can only imagine at what speed you’re going at, so 80mph in a car is like still life for you?!
This one may make a nice B&W conversion?
I had to laugh at your phrase “shoot like film….not waste a shot” — I do that too! I take few and delete a lot!
Hope all is well!
Thank you, thank you! The shutter was at 1/1000 at f/11. I tried the B+W conversion but wasn’t able to make it work. I am really excited to show more highway shots, it was so fun!
That is amazing! Gorgeous!
definitely a meaningful quote on shoot like film and not waste a shot!
Awesome, I thought this was a painting when I first saw it!