Besotted with Diane Von Furstenberg

DVF via besotted blog

“I don’t like to talk about my dreams. I like to make them happen. I prefer to talk about them when they’re done.”

Diane Von Furstenberg is truly an inspiration. Michelle may have put it so perfectly, ‘She is someone that seems both down to earth and regal at the same time.” An anomaly, we like that. Today, when we working on our Instagram ads, oh, gosh, don’t get me started…something wonderful came up, a mention of Diane Von Furstenberg’s new Masterclass on branding. If there is anyone I would take advice from on this subject it’s someone who’s mere mention conjures up icon and unforgettable. I am going to link below to the class (in case you want to take it too) and also to her autobiography which is a must read for any woman business owner!


Branding Masterclass with Diane Von Furstenberg

A Signature Life by Diane Von Furstenberg
