fortune favors the brave by a little left field

There’s so many reasons to be grateful on a daily basis, but sometimes when we are stuck in the mire of life, the everyday and trivial can become a distorted reality, especially during the holidays. You bemoan going to the mall, because there might be traffic, or worse you won’t be able to find parking and then there’s crowds and lines and it’s all so overwhelming–or is it?  I have been feeling an overwhelming gratefulness right now for my health, I had a major set back with my back. It had to do with the nerves, it effected my mobility and the pain was Richter scale intense. The worse part was I couldn’t even pick up and hold my baby. It has been nearly 4 weeks and although the pain is still present we have found out it’s not permanent nerve damage which is a huge relief.  You see, you never seem to really realize how lucky you are, how blessed and rich with opportunities until something as ‘given’ as your health has been put in a precarious position. I was feeling pretty low and yes, sorry for myself when I got an email from Heather Von St. James after that I pretty much whipped my brain back into fighting shape even though my body has not quite followed suit. 9 years ago at Christmas, Heather was a new mom, in the blissful (and delirious) new mom state when her health started to rapidly deteriorate. After a battery of tests she was diagnosed with Pleural mesothelioma cancer,  6 months to live, (spoiler alert) it’s 9 years later and well I did receive an email from Heather, perfect timing to knock some gratitude straight through my being. I loved reading Heather’s story, because it’s one of straight up determination and blindly strong conviction, it’s what we all need to possess in our lives, a will to live life to the fullest, not some half-assery existence. We deserve it, we owe it to ourselves and the people we love to be the happiest, healthiest, most grateful we can be. It’s one life folks, let’s not waste it.

Thank you Heather, I am thrilled you emailed and shared your story, I hope it effects millions of other individuals in the positive and profound way it has effected me. You are one brave mama, may you continue to be healthy, happy and wise. Please watch her video and share it with people, this is how we can contribute to helping find a cure and perhaps make someone realize how truly amazing their life is, right now.

print by a little left field design

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and one of the writer’s of this delightful blog. She lives in sunny Seattle with her handsome husband, wonderful baby girl and two pups. Her lofty goal here is to make this a creative resource repository and to inspire you to fall truly, madly, deeply in love with your life.


  1. I’m so sorry you’ve been hurting…I can relate, as fibromyalgia pain sometimes prevents me from doing certain things with the kids. It’s really hard, yet shines a light on all that I am thankful for, like you said. Sending hugs. xo

  2. Oh, Susan, I think about you all the time with the twins + fibromyalgia. I know that it is not easy and you are always one of the most inspiring and positive individuals that I have had the pleasure of encountering in this lifetime, I wish I could take it away!

  3. There really is, it seems so trite to tell someone without your health you don’t have anything, until of course when you don’t have your health and then your all,’hey, ho, I didn’t see that coming, I’ll take getting stuck in traffic any day over this!’.

    Thank you, we found out it was not my back but something that mimicked Sciatica, it much worse and so painful BUT at least it’s not nerve damage/problems and that to me is amazing!

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