Foto Rx Shopkeeper’s Helper to the rescue!

before and after vintage paramour besotted blog

It’s Monday and we were really, really (yes, really) hoping to launch our Foto Rx | Shopkeeper’s Helper Photoshop action set today. We did give it the ol’ college try, but even though I tried to power through allergies that turned into a cold, we couldn’t make it happen. There’s a lot that goes into these launches, not just the technical aspect, but getting the tutorials ready, the promo video, even getting photos to use in the samples, it easily becomes a giant snowball of to-do’s. This weekend we did have a breakthrough and instead of us photographing every.single.image, we reached out to some on-line shops that we thought had great products, nice styling/composition and their photos worked just lovely but we wanted to see what they would look like with a little Shopkeeper’s Helper. The above photo is from one of Etsy’s most favorited vintage stores Vintage Paramour, I LOVED the results!  We have an action in the set ‘the star’ which allows you to finally get that beautiful white background while maintaining your shadows. I did have to run it twice because it it was a tough yellow, but it took me mere seconds and I have to tell you there is something so satisfying about getting the background to turn from either a dull or color casted white to a beautiful, clean white, you’ll have to try it to fully understand, Michelle feels the same way so I know it’s contagious (and addicting!). While I was editing some of Vintage Paramour’s photos I realized a need for another action to add to the set to spot remove yellow casts on products and it works like a charm, so I guess it worked out that we are delayed because that means the set just got even better!  For everyone that feels like Photoshop is too complicated, that they’d never be able to figure it out, I can assure you that if my MIL can edit a photo professionally now with our action set (and she can’t even turn on her computer) than I am confident that you will be able to as well! We have basically made it so that anybody even my 15 month daughter could figure this out (well the push the button part, she can’t read the dialog boxes yet). And don’t worry we will have plenty of back up tutorials for any questions that may come up, you are going to be an editing pro in no time!

Do you have a shop and want to see us edit some of your images?  Include the links in the comments to your shop and we’ll see if we can’t get around to a quick edit! This week the focus will be on the launch so you’ll see more amazing transformations. We have some ideas for a Google hangout to edit photos live and answer your questions on the spot, is that something you might be interested in? We really want to make this simple for you, I know from experience that editing shop photos is a bear, but having clean, clear shots that allow your products to shine is really a game changer, Shopkeepers Helper will make it so much easier + faster, we hope it adds to your success!

You can sign-up for the Shopkeeper’s Helper Launch here (and of course all sign-ups get a free mini set of actions!).

7 thoughts on “Foto Rx Shopkeeper’s Helper to the rescue!

  1. Tristan, PLEASE edit something, anything from the shop. We have HORRID yellow reflections here both from the sun in Provence and the reflections that cast off of the yellow and terra cotta stones. It is a nightmare to edit photos and I am seriously considering subscribing to the Photoshop online site just to be able to try your actions. If they work like you show, it would make my job a piece of cake!

  2. Hi Simone, I looked at the site I didn’t see a yellow cast,you’ll need to point me to those but I emailed an edit for one that looked like it was on the cooler side and needed a little ‘pep’. I put them side by side, let me know what you think!

  3. Well you ladies are such gems! First of all for designing these actions, and second of all for offering to edit shopkeepers photos! I definitely struggle getting the blue cast out of the background of my stationery pictures. I can’t wait to purchase your actions when they launch. Then I’ll set about spreading the word, making my photos more beautiful, and taking part in any online tutorials, Google Hangouts, etc., that the two of you offer! xoxo

  4. Hi – we have signed up and cant wait. Our product photos all need serious help. All the photos of our new keepsake line need so much work we cant put them on our website yet. Any chance we could send you a photo directly to see the miracle happen?
    Thanks so much – Ann and Judy

  5. OK. I feel like you are talking directly through the computer to me personally here! The part about Photoshop scaring me? check. The desire for a strong, clean white background? check. I feel like I know my shop could be SO much better than it is, and you’re describing me and what’s stopping me to a T! I swear one day I take a picture on the same white background, one day it’s blue, the next day it’s yellow, and I can’t seem to have any drives me crazy and then I get overwhelmed and give up. It sounds like Shopkeeper’s Helper is the answer to my prayers. You will see if you take a peek at my shop! xo chiara

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