Shopkeepers Helper to the rescue (again!)

fleaing france samp i

fleaing france foto rx shopkeepers helper iii

Yesterday Simone of Fleaing France left a comment that she wanted us to try our hand at editing some of her shop photos and of course we were happy to oblige!  Just so you have an idea of how crazy busy I am, I don’t have the leisure of sitting for hours editing photos that aren’t my own, I have a very active toddler, I have my own shop, I run two Air B’nB’s (I’ll get into that another time), I’m in the midst of a product launch and we have company in town, I don’t have any help/assistance, so I hope that gives you perspective on how long these took me to edit, which was a few minutes, it’s taken me longer to write this last sentence than it did to edit Simone’s photos! We know how difficult it is to shoot products, we do it all the time and we also know how daunting Photoshop can be, but if you own a shop and are wanting to take your images to the next level and want to get your life back from sitting in front of the computer and editing than I am confident that Foto Rx | Shopkeepers Helper is for you.

On another note, I am such a fan of Simone’s, I want to share her story here one day because it is so inspiring, but I will give you the Cliff Notes version now. Simone ditched her corporate career to follow her heart and packed up everything to become an expatriate and move to the South of France (le sigh), her love of ‘fleaing’ led to her opening ‘Fleaing France’ where she shares her discoveries of the treasures she has uncovered and offers them for sale in her well curated shop. Of course I love when she finds old letters and documents, I have been privy to having some of these ancient lovelies land in my mailbox, what a thrill to have a piece of history in your possession! I do hope you pay her a visit.

Okay friends, if you want any of your photos edited today’s the day, add your link in the comments, this is our week to show off our new Shopkeepers Helper action set while we work behind the scenes to get it ready for launch. Ask any questions you may have, we are ‘on call’ this week and will be happy to answer! And don’t forget to sign-up to be notified of the launch!