None of these gadgets or gizmo’s will make you a better mobile photographer, but part of the appeal of photography seems to be in the collection of gadgets or at the very least perusing some of the goods that are available so we thought we would show you some of the items that are on our current wish list.
Iphone goes pro
Sure there are many artists/photographers that can claim their living by shooting with their mobile phones, but Olympus just introduced a game changing device which makes your phone a legit camera–pro level folks. As Michelle pointed out, it’s more than a gadget it’s a replacement mirrorless camera. The device looks like it’s just a lens but the beauty is in the simplicity, I think it best to link to both the ‘camera’ and the video. Be prepared to be wowed. Not as savvy as the Olympus but just as cool is Sony’s offering which has the lens attached! There are two versions (here and here) both have there pros, but it may be best to view the video to see for yourself.
Mobilephone tripod
The Gorilla Tripod, I actually own this and have to say it is awesome! The camera is fitted into the tripod with an easy squeeze clamp (which makes it easy to re- position on the fly), the bendable legs make it perfect for attaching to precarious places, think along the lines of attaching to a chandelier to get over head food/selfie shots. Speaking of selfies this is perfect for creating an un-posed selfie, say of you looking out the window thoughtfully with the light just right, very Kinfolk. Just saying…
Instant mobile photo printing
I came across the Impossible Instant Lab the other day, a perfect gadget for the Polaroid enthusiast. Soft, dreamy, creamy instant photos printed from your phone’s library–instantly! Fuji has a printer option as well, but the photos are bit smaller (the same as their Instax camera).
These look amazing! Have you tried either of them? I’m curious how they fare with macro photography?
I got an interest in blog about how photography works and I learn so much from this article. Thank you for sharing your brilliant idea, keep in touch!