52 week project: Prompt Blur on purpose

Project 52 prompt- blur on purpose via besotted blog

Our photo prompt this week is ‘blur on purpose’ this is one of my all time favorite photo techniques, it’s super easy and can make even the most mundane subject become artful. It’s perfect when you are ruing that you have nothing to shoot, no light, no whatever your excuse is not to shoot. Michelle snapped this in the passenger seat of her car, through her windshield with her mobile phone and I love how she was able to capture such mood, the rain and blur combined create a wonderfully unique painterly effect!

If you are on the fence about starting a photo project, this is a perfect one to join in. The prompts are easy enough that you shouldn’t be stressed finding something to shoot, you can go back and re-do the previous prompts, plus you have us cheering you on! Shooting consistently will be the fastest way to becoming a better photographer. Michelle and I once taught a 30 day photo class and we were astonished by how quickly our students progressed, we even saw many of them go on to careers in photography, one student even was tapped to shoot for Conde Nast Travel and Leisure, they found her because she was shooting and sharing her assignments. Who knows where a simple little photo project can take you? Are you game?

We have linked resources below as always with some added inspo!  Are you doing any creative projects for 2018?  We’d love to hear from you!


Foto Rx Instagram

Photo shot with Iphone 7

Image edited with Portland | Modern + Moody

Edited in Photoshop CC

Blur inspiration

We LOVE this!

Great photo class with Annie Liebovitz

photo by michelle p.