This is one of my favorite photographs by one of my all time favorite photographers. I am so excited that on one of my last days here in the City of Angels I will be able to indulge in a Herb Ritts exhibit and an indulgence it will be. I will have to leave my zipcode and *gasp* my car to get to the exhibit. I am spending a last outing with my Bestie, leaving is such sweet sorrow indeed.  I have been in Los Angeles for so long it’s a part of me, like an eccentric relative.  I can complain ad naseum about ‘her’, but if you did I would get all 21 kinds of defensive. My friend Nina said, ‘you”ll be back’, but I don’t know. The way I look at it is everyone here seems to be on their great adventure (since they are from somewhere else), it is my turn to be on my adventure, granted it is a little late in life, but better late than never, right? At least I won’t be sitting in my rocker asking, ‘what if…’. I am a bit terrified about the mosquitoes eating me alive, but other than that all I am looking forward to is a new phase in my existence. I wish we could spend more time enjoying the drive cross country but my husband (gosh, it’s weird saying that) has meetings the following Monday so we are on a tight schedule. Two more days and we are headed out for the unknown. I have never felt so thrilled and terrified at the same time.

4 thoughts on “HERB RITTS AT THE GETTY

  1. I moved from my hometown about 6 years ago (to a vastly different place), and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. A great adventure, indeed – it will be amazing! Also, invest in deet – citronella just won’t cut it. (kidding! mostly…)

  2. It’s never too late for an adventure! I left L.A. after living there my entire life. I moved to Barcelona, Spain after marrying my Catalan husband. Sure it’s difficult leaving childhood memories of your town, but I think of my life as living different lives at different stages of life. So enjoy your new life!

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