The Fancy and I went on a little adventure yesterday and left our *gasp* zipcode.  I have been known to not venture farther than a 3 mile radius of my home for long stretches of time.  I’ve been wanting to explore new areas not so much for the thrill of experience, (as it seems I am quite content at the moment with the pleasure of routine), but because I was getting a little tired of shooting the same things.  I don’t think you need to leave your zipcode to be creative with your photographs but gosh darn does it help when you can find new subjects to inspire you.  We actually went through multiple zipcodes as the City of Angels is spread out so far and wide that I probably went through at least a dozen without even knowing it.  We stopped in three of them–one for lunch at an outdoor cafe which seemed so decadent on a Tuesday (and that was before I had the fries), another to visit a Hollywood landmark and the third to stroll on a newly gentrified street of sweet boutiques and outdoor cafe’s.  I then went to work at 5 p.m. to meet my new freelance branding + design clients and I have to say this current work day suits me so much better.  Today I am supposed to be driving up North to discuss another potential project and that can only mean more zipcodes to explore and more opportunities to be had. I feel like I am in a Dr. Seuss book–Oh the places you will go.
::photo by: miss b::

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