Can you hear that? It’s only my heart pitter pattering so hard I can barely take a breath.  That’s the reaction that ensues when I peruse Juniper Books.  If you are not aware of these fine proprietor’s perhaps I should enlighten you to what services this clever company offers.  Juniper books has created a niche in the interior design world as the doyenne’s of everything library.  Need all your trashy novels recovered in embossed leather with 22k gold detail? No, you are a vegan I forgot, no worries Juniper Books can create faux leather covers for you. What’s that you say?  You want the look but you don’t own a book?  No problem, they will design a library for you, it can be for aesthetics only (how dreadfully dull) or they can create via favorite topic (much better). A lot of the paper cover projects could probably be accomplished yourself with some sweat and ingenuity but if you have the budget why not hire the experts?

4 thoughts on “JUNIPER BOOKS

  1. Thanks Jules, I thought they were brilliant as well and wished I would have thought of it, what a dream business fusing design with books, love it:)

  2. Thanks for featuring our books on your site and all the compliments! It’s been a busy month at Juniper Books and we have created many more custom book covers and jacket designs. See for more book styles – more cool photos will be posted later this week.
    Thatcher Wine
    Juniper Books
    Boulder, CO

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