I often times feel like the internet is nirvana for my every whim + curiosity. If one day I am interested in classic book endpaper patterns or the next I am curious about Venetian glass pens I can very well find someone waxing poetic on those seemingly obscure subjects. If I want to know the secrets of how a famous make-up artist makes my favorite models and starlets look flawless well that’s usually a little harder to find, until that is I discovered the fantastic+ talented Lisa Eldridge. Lisa has decided to share her over 20 years experience as a make-up artist with us mere mortals via video tutorials. She herself could have easily been one of the starlets she works on she is that captivating. I stayed up the previous evening watching every one of her videos until my computer decided to call it a night at around 3:00 a.m. This morning in an excited fervor to try out some of the techniques I learned I went a bit overboard. My cheeks were a little too rosy and I was a little heavy handed on the eye shadow (I never wear it so I suppose I need some practice). When I was walking the girls with my husband this morning I saw him giving me quizzical side glances. “What?”, I asked, “Do you love my new make-up?” He scrunched up his nose and pushed his glasses higher on his bridge before he answered, “I think it’s a little much,” he answered matter-of-factly. Wherein he circled the area around my visage with his pointer finger to indicate exactly what he considered was ‘too much’. I ordinarily would have stormed off even though I know that he is often right about these things, but I just laughed. I knew I was a little too enthusiastic with my new found beauty knowledge. With any new skill, it takes time, although Lisa does make it look very simple. I think once I have come down off my internet high I will be able to actually re-create some of her ‘no make-up, make-up’ looks, which is her signature and which I would like to be mine. I would love for people to think I have naturally flawless skin, long lashes, a pretty pout and a rosy glow, wouldn’t you? My favorite part of the video series is she tells you exactly what cosmetics she uses to achieve the look and what tools she uses, she’ll even give you alternate options to make them easier to find. I am crazy for this resource and hope you will be too. Have a happy weekend!
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Ooh, what fun! I’ve noticed, as of late, I can look OK if I apply a filter to a photo. How lovely would it be to look good sans a hint of ‘cinnamon’?
Amy she makes it look simple enough. I don’t own all the products she suggests (I do love & own the Laura Mercier concealer & brush), but I am going to try some of her techniques and see if I can look fresh-faced, rosy & doe-eyed, hah!
I’m so happy I found this! I love make up tutorials. Lisa’s site is fantastic. Thanks!