My edit No. 52 yesterday blew me away.  I thought it was super creative for me and all I got was crickets. So today I figured I’d just do something pretty, no deep thinking, planning just a little texturing here and there, who doesn’t like a shot of the Pacific? I did something similar last year, maybe even better, but I didn’t save a large copy so I decided to do a do-over. I will be packing Thursday for my trip to Nor Cal and to Portland. I am really excited about both, but wish I hadn’t planned them so close together, I need more time to do things like laundry. I have lot’s of laundry to do, but still absolutely no clothes to wear. I wish I could just forget about laundry and buy a new wardrobe. Wouldn’t that be aces? Speaking of aces below are some of the places we plan on visiting whilst in Portlandia, any other suggestions?
These restaurants were recommended by Souvenir Foto School student Jen, they look pretty darn good:
We are going there to look for potential homes, so it’s not a vacation (although I plan on pretending it is), so I am also open to neighborhood suggestions. Thanks!

I will be editing a photo a day for the remainder of 2012::Project MMXII, this is my ‘after’, you can view the ‘before’ here.


  1. Dear Miss B.,

    Once upon a time I read about the photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto in the NY Times. I fell headfirst into a deep love for dignified portraits of things that are not quite real–wax sculptures from Madame Tussards, natural history museum dioramas.

    Most people are ignorant of this genre’s capacity for beauty. I resigned myself to a life of bitter disappointment.

    But then. Oh my goodness, but then!

    Your photo-a-day editing project is one of my favorite things on the Internet. Natural history goodness for days on end! And the proofs you recently gave away…breathtaking.

    So thank you a million times over. I truly do love your photographs and blog and I want you to know that.


    P.S. The Chinese garden in Portland is amazing.

  2. Heather THANK YOU! This made my night:) I actually heard the Chinese gardens were amazing, I am adding to the list, thank you for the suggestion!

  3. BTW Heather, I knew of Mr. Sugimoto’s seascapes but not about his Natural History photographs, how exciting to be able to learn something new today!

  4. Tristan,

    If you even remotely like donuts you should hit up Voodoo donuts. It looks sketchy inside and out, but the donuts are to die for. Super creative and OH so tasty! Also just take some time to walk through the galleries in the artsy part of town. You will be inspired for days!

    Have a great time!

  5. I’m so excited for you and your adventure. Good luck finding some place and something that you love. And don’t forget to have lots and lots of fun in the process.

    Your picture makes me miss the ocean. It’s beautiful.

  6. Jennifer thank you again and again!

    Jaime I actually have been craving doughnuts lately, but a certain kind my Mom used to get I wonder if they would have them there? They aren’t in L.A. anywhere.

    Thank you Toi, I am already missing the ocean, is that weird? We haven’t decided yet if our move will be Portland or North Carolina, but I know my husband is leaning towards the latter and the ocean is TWO hours away!

  7. I know nothing about Portland, but I do know about NC! Where are you visiting? I’m assuming the triangle? Let me know if you want any info :)

  8. oh please stop into my store to say hi, pendleton home store. also, i went to dig a pony yesterday and loved it. it’s a new bar/restaurant. trebol is great for fancy mexican food. there is a mark rothko exhibit at the museum and this week is first thursday so the galleries are open late. so much to do…

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