When I shot this I knew exactly how I was going to edit it. The way this Bobcat was placed in such an odd place in front of all the Gazelle’s on a high shelf,  it made me imagine him escaping and climbing up to the highest point to get at his prey, yet the bird was too fast. I knew I wanted to convey motion with both the swat of the paw and the birds fearless escape. I even framed the horror in the eye of the Gazelle as he witnessed the rogue Bobcat in his herd. Gazelle and Bobcats would never be found in the same zipcode, not even at a zoo, so this odd pairing really created the story in my head about the naughty Bobcat. I actually don’t know if these are Gazelle, they could be Ibex, there was no identification. I know for a fact that these specimens were vanquished and forgotten in a dark corner of  the museum before they built the current room and brought them out for display.  You really do need to see the before to be able to take in all that I was babbling about above.

I will be editing a photo a day for the remainder of 2012::Project MMXII, this is my ‘after’, you can view the ‘before’ here.

P.S. Don’t forget to check to see if you were one of the winners of the Natural History Prints giveaway! 

3 thoughts on “MMXII::52::EDITING A PHOTO-A-DAY IN 2012::

  1. Amazing, T, but the link to your before is broken! :) I know you don’t want to do it, but maybe show the befores on your blog? The difference is really something everyone needs to appreciate. You’re amazing!!

  2. I am having an awful morning, then I came over here and saw this and something about the before and after really tickled my funny bone. That before picture is really really funny at how out of place that bobcat is. You’re after picture is perfect to go along with your description.

    Thanks for making me feel better this morning!

  3. Jules you know I would never do that, hah! I wish I could do a roll over effect on the new blog, I’ll find out:)

    Toi, I am sorry you are not feeling well, isn’t it weird placement?

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