I actually didn’t realize that I would have so many amazing comments,  thank you! This was near impossible to choose.  I did make my decisions and before I announce who they are I do want to let you know that I will have more framed prints to giveaway soon.  I am doing a lot of test printing and should have the butterflies that made a very subtle appearance in this post. They didn’t fit in the mat properly so I needed to adjust and so much more to share with you. With that being said I chose (drum roll please):
Erika M | Dearingford. Erika just moved into a new home and when I saw it I felt the Owl would feel right at home there. Don’t you feel the same way?
For the Antlers, which really are so much better in person. The new owner is  Just a Nice Guy. I don’t have a link, but he entered for ‘the love of his life’ and well how could I deny him that?

To the winners, please email me your shipping information and the framed prints will be off to you both!  Thank you all for playing.


  1. Thank you so much!! I can’t wait to hang up the Antlers! It’s really quite stunning. And I can’t wait to show her!

  2. Congratulations to the winners. Enjoy your beautiful photographs (I know you will or you wouldn’t have entered this contest). I’ll continue to dream of the owl hanging on the wall across from my easy chair. lol (said with a smile!)
    Miss B…..thank you for making these available for us to possibly win simply by making a comment to you. That is very generous of you and I commend you for it. Hope everyone is having an awesome day! :)

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