I will be sad to part with my little birds of prey menagerie but so happy that they will be going to good homes. I really enjoyed looking through all your pins and inspirations it is always so hard to choose. I really loved the work that went into the board by Julia Eagle (perfect name for the giveaway right?) Her board was timeless, nostalgic + rustic, I wanted to move right in. Visit her winning board here. I am pleased to bestow the Hawk to Julia and have her add it to her home. Paula of Two Ellie had a modern + rustic inspiration board and I think the Owl would be delighted to watch over her home, so I shall be sending it to her! I wasn’t going to be giving the Snowy Owl away this round but it was hard not to give it to Krista who has a whole board dedicated to owls , I mean with all that owl adoration going on I feel that she deserves one too.  Thank you all for indulging me. There will be plenty of prints to be given away in the future, so if you didn’t win this time do keep playing! Congrats Julie, Paula and Krista!


  1. TRISTAN!!! you are too adorable. and i just squealed out loud and made bryan high five me so hard my hand kind of hurts. i just spent five minutes trying to figure out where we’re going to hang it and he told me i needed to take a deep breath and calm down.
    are the best.
    owls have the most sentimental place in my heart because of my mom. and snowy owls are her favorite.
    *double sigh*
    you’re going to make me cry.
    i’ll email you my addy.

  2. Ah, Krista, I am even happier now to know how happy you are! I am so happy the Snowy Owl will be coming home to live with you and your family:)

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