The ubiquitous antler makes its appearance in the shop. These and a few other woodland inspired designs were supposed to be in my first round of stamps but room was at a premium and they lost out to calligraphy sentiments, sorry little antler stamp. I gave a peek of them in my stamp storage post and the emails came flooding in wanting to know when it would be in the shop. I am slow going with the photos and editing so it seemed like ‘one day’ was going to be my best answer, but I got inspired and did some product photography for a few hours and now you can pick your stamp up here. I use these a lot for my personal stationery, I think they fit where I am at in my life right now–the deep country. I know antlers are a trendy motif but they are so good so I am happy to be able to offer them to you!
5 thoughts on “NEW! ANTLER STAMP”
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yay! so adorable. i’m going to wait until there’s something else in your shop i need so i don’t keep ordering individual items every other week, lol
That’s probably a smart idea Diane, I should be doing a promo soon for the mailing list so be on the look out!
LOVE this! I think I’m gonna start putting this stuff on my Christmas list!!
without reading the text, just looking at the picture, I thought it was a picture of the back of a sitting elephant. let go of your knowlege that its antlers and tell me what you see…..or maybe your logo biased me.
Bought it! Whoot! Whoot!