I was working on a branding project and quipped to my friend that it was too bad that the Swiss cross was already in the world because it’s such a perfectly simple, clean yet quietly bold design, thus re-creating a Swiss cross wouldn’t work for the new branding we were working on.  Oh, well. Inspiration comes from the most unlikely places, this monogram is my ode to the Swiss cross.  This is a modern + industrial couples monogram for Denise D. and her hubby Bobby. It’s masculine enough when printed in a color like black, red, or gray to work for the hubs, but print this in pink, coral, yellow or aqua and you can easily make it more femme; It will look great in gold, silver or white too!  Endless palette possibilities! I have a classic monogram coming up tomorrow, but I am still choosing potential monogram candidates via this pin (just repin it and leave your initials in the comments) or signing up for the newsletter. You can choose either way to enter to win as I am choosing candidates from both sources. I also need to mention in case it’s not a ‘given’ that your stamp will come pre-loved as I need to use it for the photo shoot, but on the up side it will be cleaned + conditioned and your monogram will be displayed on the interwebs for many moons! Good luck!


  1. I just make a really loud squeak noise at work when I saw our initials on this stamp. hahahaha. I’m going to run into your Shoppe right now and order some more goodies from you! Thank you so much for the fun contest and brightening my morning!

  2. i signed up for your newsletter because i’m not on pinterest (i have too many distractions via RSS already!!!). fingers crossed to win the monogram :)

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