I know the title of this post seems suspect as it is Tuesday (or maybe even Thursday or Friday depending on the day you come upon this), but every day is Monday at Hello Monday Creative! There are some of you who are groaning because Monday’s are about as appetizing as eating live worms, I was right there with you a year + ago, but now and to the future you Monday’s will always be awesome, you will look forward to Monday’s and it will be blissful. How do I know this? Because if I made it out alive and happy to see Monday’s you can too! Hello Monday is the new creative studio/duo of Sarah Kim and Lindsay Pruitt two of my fave ladies of the blogosphere. I have been a fan of Sarah’s for about a million years, she has impeccable taste and an equally impeccable wit. Lindsay may seem a familiar name to you that read this blog as she has been the genius/Jedi that has coded this here blog and my previous one (trust me no small feat to work with me). She is so patient, smart and has a great eye. After she finished my last blog I asked her if she worked on Word Press and at the time she didn’t, I loved her so much that I waited until she did (I am not known for being a patient person, she is that worth it). When I heard that Sarah & Lindsay were going to team up I knew that they were a perfect fit. If you have wanted to take your blog or business to the next level then you need to get on their soon to be waiting list (I am sure people will be lining up around the block to work with them). I am so happy for them and their new endeavor and have no doubt it will be a huge success. I asked them for their elevator pitch and they were happy to oblige:
Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She loves Monday’s and wants a bunny. She recently moved from the city to the country with her husband and two pups.
I’m afraid I couldn’t find a spot to leave a comment for the “from” voting (I’m a certified knucklehead!) so here it goes! I choose No. 1.
No worries Joy, I have your comment noted:)
the art social link does not seem to be working? :-)
Hi Moose + Denise! I think I have it working now!
Ah! Tristan, you are too dang sweet! Thanks, love =)