Pinterest Curator Meg Fish

I felt like I wanted to showcase some soft + dreamy inspiration and knew exactly who would be able to satiate that desire–Pinterest Curator Meg Fish. Meg is a photographer (and one of my favorites).  I think Meg’s description of of herself is so accurate-Minimalist artistic visionary in love with details. Her boards have such an ethereal light going through them, you can tell that it’s a photographers curation. Meg doesn’t have a lot of pins currently but I am hoping with this post that it motivates her to curate more. My absolute favorite board of hers is the ‘Pale & Interesting‘, beautiful soft muted palettes, textures and light–sigh.

On another note, I have been receiving emails from you that have asked to be considered for future Pinterest curator posts, I LOVE that, thank you! I am so thrilled you are enjoying this feature and I am happy to take a peek at your boards.  I do request that you have over 1,000 pins (it’s easier to get there than you think) and that you pin on a regular basis to be considered. So feel free to email me or leave your link to your Pinterest in the comments below. Speaking of comments, if you have a site, blog, instagram, Tumblr or what have you make sure you fill out the space for that in the comments box. I won’t always be able to visit when it gets busier with the shop, etc. but I always try to visit at least a few new links from the comments each week.  I am always so grateful for your visit to my little spot on the web and would love to see what YOU are up to as well!

Author / Miss Tristan B

Miss Tristan B. is the proprietress of Besotted Brand and the writer of this delightful blog. She’s a little obsessed with Pinterest and tries to convince her husband that she is ‘working’ when she spends more time than she should on it.


  1. Hello Miss B,
    I just wanted to stop by to say how much I adore your blog. It is truly one of the very few I slow down to read and savor each word. I love this series and finding new inspiration through pinterest. I do not pin much, but I do have a tumblr filled with images and perhaps you would like to take a visit ;)

  2. oh my goodness, i *love* her style – great pick, tristan! meg has such a gorgeous soft touch, she spins what she touches to gold. :) i’ve been following meg’s pins for a few months now, and it’s hard to not re-pin *everything* she posts! xx

  3. Hello. I love that you encourage friends and colleagues and ALL to be creative and DO creative things. Love that about this blog. I love inspiration. I was inspired to write in the middle of the night (when I should have been sleeping) so I am tired and behind this morning but it makes it worthwhile that now I get to share it with you. Its a few thoughts on trying to find QUIET in this loud world of ours:
    thanks so for letting me share it with you! I love your visits over to my blog land and I so adore your creativity here!

  4. Anna, your Tumblr is lovely, I have been before, I like that you credit photographers, you would be a huge hit on Pinterest, you have a good eye;)

  5. Jill– i.know!!! She’s also beautiful both inside + out. I don’t know if it’s fair to be that beautiful, that gracious AND that talented. I would love to learn how to capture the light she does in your images, it’s always so perfect and I feel like her pins reflect how she captures lights.

  6. Rebecca, THANK YOU!!!! That is a wonderful compliment, I DO want to encourage people to be creative, to be social, to learn new things and to share their experiences. Everyone is creative–everyone! I love your post, keep writing by the end of the year you can put together a beautiful Blurb book with your prose + photos which would be a wonderful keepsake for both you and your children (when they are older). Lovely.

  7. I absolutely LOVE your Pinterst Curator posts Tristan! What a great idea, and a wonderful gift to your readers. Like your other readers, I appreciate your desire to inspire our creative side.
    I don’t have a blog so I use Pinterest for MY creative outlet. Here is the link to my boards. I would love to be considered as one of your Pinterest Curators.
    Once again, thank you for always sharing such wonderful ideas with us!

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