The Gilded Lobster Besotted BlogToday I bring you the New England based The Gilded Lobster.  Of course with a name like that you would expect a little cheek and of course a lot of shine going on.  She describes her style as ‘classic with a pinch of glam’ and I concur. If I were to dare try my hand at a descriptive I would go with Haute Prep. I love that throughout her pins there’s a sense of humor like the photo of the model in the middle bubble, but never ever does she veer to corny.  I wish she pinned more, because every time she does I feel all giddy inside like I have sipped extra fizzy champagne, my nose tickles and my heart flutters. She’s great you need to check her out (if you haven’t already). While you are there you can always visit me too as I am constantly re-pinning The Gilded Lobster thus look like I have much better taste than I do.


  1. i love their boards. the design board makes me want to be a graphic designer! alas, i am not :) also, their season boards are spot on. their summer board makes me thankful to live on the beach where it’s summer all year long.

  2. Jillian, she does have a great design board! I know that Stitch Design Co. did her logo (one of my FAVE graphic design houses) so I feel like she really has her finger on the pulse on what’s what. Btw, you have a good eye, you keep it simple which is a lesson you learn in design, less is more;)

  3. You had me at “haute prep”! I am a total prep-obsesser and nautical lover so naturally, this hit the nail on the head! Love the design boards and the clean, chic aesthetic. Thanks for sharing!

  4. With a blog called “Shore Society’ I do declare that you do have some nautical love going on! Thank you for liking my coined term, I was a little proud of my assertion as well;)

  5. I am both obsessed with pinterest and obsessed with these wonderful people you keep introducing me to. I love that your style preferences are so much like mine – it means I’m almost surely going to love their pins!

  6. Thank you Katie! That makes me so happy that I can contribute to your procrastination, lol! Or at least have someone join me in mine!

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