I have mentioned that I don’t listen to music when I work, I know totally weird, but true. I have been addicted to the podcast ‘Stuff you Missed in History Class’ and after I had plowed through every episode and every episode of ‘This American Life’ I had been left bereft that I no longer had anything interesting to listen to. The kindest soul (and possibly one of the most awesome) mentioned Radio Lab and I went over to check it out, ‘Whoa, Nelly!‘ Talk about awesome to the ‘nth degree. It’s almost like if ‘My Missed in History’ (if it was science-centric) and ‘This American Life’ had a love child it would be this podcast.  My only complaint (if you could call it that), is sometimes I find myself a little too engrossed and writing or more like re-writing emails multiple times because I am so enthralled.   I am sadly almost through all of these episodes as well, so I am putting out a public plea for more podcast suggestions, please do let me know what I should be listening to next.
Oh, and I do have an Audible account (totally bragging), which is hit or miss.  I have downloaded some pretty boring narrations. I recently bought a wild card audiobook-The Dangerous Animals Club that has had me laughing out loud. It’s in the vain of David Sedaris and I have loved almost every minute of it, there is a weird engineering snafu on one of the chapters but other than that I am so pleased that  was feeling wild and bought it on a whim.

15 thoughts on “RADIOLAB

  1. I love Radiolab! I also listen to Planet Money (real/normal people talking about really cool money stuff — no crazy econ jargon; it’s totally digestible), and another favorite is Spilled Milk.

  2. I can’t listen to music while I work either–well, I can, but nothing with words let I sing, aloud. And maybe dance. But definitely get nothing accomplished.

    Who knew were so many podcasts drifting about out there? Not I! I love history, so I’m gonna have to check them out–and put that book in my list.

  3. download the book…the art of racing in the rain!!!! Have read this book countless times…have given this book to everyone I know! It is amazing!!!!

  4. Kristy & Janae THANK YOU! I actually was going to download the book, I had no idea there was a podcasts, so I am super happy to hear, thank you both!!!

    Amy, that’s why the internet is so RAD, to know that there’s another individual out there that can’t listen to music while they work because they will want to sing (and possibly) dance, makes me giggle. It’s nice to know I am not alone in my weirdness:)

    Anon-I saw that book a few times and being the huge animal/dog crazed lady that I am I have wanted to check it out. Marley & me nearly killed me though, it was like re0living Bambi’s mom dying all over again. I know it’s the circle of life but I still get all weepy!

  5. I only listen to NPR and podcasts when I work, too, so I feel your pain of “running out!” Here are some of my favorites in addition to the ones you mentioned above:
    Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me
    Fresh Air
    The Moth
    The Splendid Table
    The Story with Dick Gordon
    Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin
    After the Jump (Design*Sponge)

    They’ve gotten me through a lot of deadlines! Enjoy.

  6. :) Ha ha — you DID binge! :) Isn’t Radiolab the greatest thing ever??

    It’s funny, but the podcast I most often work to is a local afternoon radio outfit that is the weirdest, goofiest thing ever. It’s called “The Dave Glover Show” (you can download podcasts on Itunes) and it’s basically 4 guys just hanging out for 3 hours each day, shooting the breeze. Dave, the host, is a former lawyer who admits it was probably only a matter of time until he was disbarred. Mark Klose, one of three side kicks, is a St. Louis legend — he was a disc jockey at a classic rock station from the 60s thru the 90s and is hilariously curmudgeonly. Max is a 30-something producer who’s very even keel and nerdy, and Tom is a giant (like, 400#) teddy bear with a stutter. I KNOW. They’re also the only middle-of-the-road show (politically speaking) on a republican station. The regular segments include a local Priest & Rabbi talking about religion and pop culture, “Liquor, Guns and Ammo” which is literally about awesome wine and non-crazy gun talk, a paranormal-themed Tuesday that is alternately freaky and ridiculous, random Super-16 face-offs, etc. They sometimes have politicians on too (can’t escape the station) but they actually make them answer questions, and keep it pretty funny. It’s really random and I know it sounds like the weirdest, most un-radio show on the planet, but I am entertained day after day. My husband turned me onto it (“stupid humor for smart people”) and so now I’ll share it with Teh Intrawebs. :)

  7. Anne Marie I could kiss you through the computer THANK YOU!!!!!!

    Jess, I will listen to whatever you recommend, I LOVED Radiolab.

    Christie I LOVE that NPR wants to make Dangerous Animals Club into a series, he has a lot of similarities to David Sedaris.

  8. I love This American Life & Radio Lab. Two other favorites of mine are NPR: Snap Judgement & State of the Reunion!

  9. We have such similar tastes! I also commented on your Netflix art documentaries post. :) Very nice. Anyway, I wanted to let you know about two more podcasts you might enjoy:

    The Moth: 15-20 minute stories told live to an audience. Some have been rebroadcast on This American Life. Entertaining and often touching.

    A Way with Words: 45-minute call-in show about language. People share strange phrases they’ve heard and the hosts provide the history behind them, a fun word nerd quiz, and all kinds of fun trivia about language.


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