I thought I would show-off a sneak peek of our virtual text book for Creative Captures 101. What started out as a 5 page pdf has grown into quite the project! Michelle, my co-professor in Souvenir Foto School is also a graphic designer and we both agree that being a designer makes it completely impossible to narrow down your choices for yourself.  We struggled with how this was going to look.  In the end we wanted to make it feel like a real textbook, with well loved (and read) paper pages, a linen cover, filled with timeless (and time tested) information.  We are hoping our students are excited as we are about this new addition to the course.  With Creative Captures 101 starting this Sunday I almost forgot to make the announcement for scholarships–we give away 3 each session.  I have mentioned in the past I started Souvenir Foto School when my salary was cut in half and my best friend’s husband was laid off from his job, so I certainly understand that having a creative outlet like this can be a huge bright side to unfortunate economic events.  Our last scholarship recipients added such energy to the class, they were eager, worked extra hard and truly participated in making the class even better.  We hope that our new recipients will be able to do the same.  We have already given one of the scholarships away, so we have 2 scholarships available.  If you would like to be considered please email me and let me know why you would like to be chosen. Good luck!



  1. And we can’t wait to have you both in class:) We hope you like the textbook we created, I don’t think Michelle and I have gotten much sleep this week!

  2. I really, really hope you run this course again some time. Next time I’ll maker sure to save some money to join :)

  3. Oh I didn’t know you guys were doing all this! It looks wonderful and I can’t wait to curl up with it. Last class was such an incredible experience, I’m really looking forward to pushing myself even more in this next session.

  4. Your textbook looks fabulous from this end–I love your attention to detail. And I can’t wait for the day I can join you in Souvenir Foto School!

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