You are cordially invited to join in on our next Souvenir Foto School Session | Food + Foto edition. This session we will be bringing you a supremely photogenic virtual dinner party! Fortify your photography skills as we plan & shoot a most beautiful and sumptuous supper. Our four course menu is full of simple stunners (don’t fret if you aren’t up for cooking, store bought is A-Ok). We have limited space at the dinner ‘table’ so please R.S.V.P. here and get all the details! The classes sell out fast!
P.S. As always we have reserved two spots for scholarships, individuals that want to take the class but it doesn’t fit into their finances right now. To qualify just re-pin this pin and leave a note in the comments why you would like to take the class and why we should choose you. Scholarships are open worldwide!
I am so excited for this Food edition. Love the format. Can’t wait.
Just tried to pay but not sure where to send the payment. Help please.
Hi Deborah!
I am glad you are excited so are we! I will go fix the button a.s.a.p.:)
Deborah it’s all fixed!
I am IN!
Jamie, I can’t wait! Your photographs are always so inspiring:)
Hey there !
Hope all is well with your new digs and location : )
Very glad to see you are keeping up with SFS, this looks like a really great project.
Have had a busy summer working in a 4* manoir-hotel, it’s now the end of the tourist season in France, so will work on my new photo business projects : )
Just wanted to say hi and send my best,
Thanks Miss B
I’m all set and very excited.
Hi Miss B!
I would love to apply for a scholarship to the Souvenir Foto School. (I have repined in pintrest)
I would love to take your class, I feel like I could learn so much. Not to mention being inspired by all the uber creative classmates!
any more classes coming up?
Hi Eleri, we were just discussing this today! We are meeting on Saturday and will keep everyone posted:)