I have heard the siren calls for way too long, (my apologies), to have another session of the illustrious Souvenir Foto School- The School of Creative Captures. Today my friends I am answering the cry, well myself and Michelle of Creatocrat, my Co-Professor and one talented photographer. The school has had many a gratis session in its day, but I have always mentioned that it was fleeting, this session there will be a small fee involved but we know from experience where your photos can go in a 30 day class period and feel this nominal fee will be a drop in the bucket in building your photography chops. I will be back with many a former student testimonial, but for now let me wax philosophical on what SFS is and what it is not.


  • A place to hone your skills with a focused set of prompts
  • A community of photography enthusiasts of all levels
  • A hotbed of creative inspiration
  • A place to ask questions + gain confidence in your skills
  • A supportive + positive photo environment


  •  A Photo 101. You won’t be learning about all the bobs and bits on your camera. I highly suggest you take Nicole’s Photo 101 class for that (no, I don’t work for Nicole, lol).
  • Just a DSLR class! You can use ANY camera you have available to you in the amount of time you have. So, if you are shooting film, it may get expensive to develop your shots everyday, but heck who are we to stop you from doing so? 
  • This is not an editing class although we may share some editing resources amongst the class.
This session we will take a photo-a-day for 30 days, using the Alphabet as our guide. Of course we will get into more detail once you sign-up. We will also be giving away 3 scholarships for those that can’t budget this right now, but would really like to join. We can’t wait to see you in class so for a mere $30 (that’s less than a latte a day!) you can take your photo skills to the next level! Are you ready?…
    P.S. For those that asked we will be having a session starting in April and will be making an announcement in March. We wish we could fit you all in, really we do but we wanted to cap it at 50 students this round so we can make sure to give everyone proper attention, thank you! Email us and we will add your name to the mailing list or leave it in the comments and put you on the list.


    1. I would love to take this (seriously, it’s kind of a steal at $30), but am WAY too busy right now. I love taking photos, but need a push to actually edit them. Anyhow, do you think that y’all will do this again sometime?

    2. M. this won’t be and editing class,but I do plan on offering one this year:)

      Charmaine, that was a mistake since I am dolt, but you have been issued a refund on that!

    3. Well I’m in! Paid up and ready to go :) Feb is a special one this year, was going to do a photo-a-day anywho, so this is perfect x

    4. Hi! I was wondering if it would be silly if I tried to do this with just an iphone camera?? I know…rookie!

    5. Hi Mel-

      I am happy you asked this! Cameraphone is fine and you will often see people switching up their cameras in class. We try to show it’s NOT the equipment but the photographer that makes the image. I am sure I will be using mine a few times in this session.


      Miss B.

    6. You can’t imagine how excited i am for this. I will defo be signing up when I get back off my hols – I hope there isn’t a end date to the sign up.
      Very very excited. Thank you Miss B.

    7. I just signed up! I’m challenging myself to a 366 photo a day challenge (last year I petered out after January…) and I’m looking forward to this course to help inspire me.

    8. Souvenir Foto School is on my list . . . but maybe after I brush up on my photo skills. I know it’s for all levels and all . . . but, at this point, I’m not even sure I’m to a level! :)

    9. This sounds incredible. Things are pretty tight money-wise right now but if I can scrabble together enough spare change to participate, I most certainly will. Due to the way my school schedule balances out, I’m having to take my photography class independently; to do the courses I want to do in ‘further education’ I need the qualification, and so lunchtime meetings with an art teacher and weekends spent on photography projects that don’t interest me are consuming my creativity. Having a daily prompt like this sounds like a much-needed creative burst.

    10. I love love love that Souvenir Foto School is back up and running again! I took the class a few years back and really loved it. I’m a bit over committed in February to join, but I’m looking forward to future sessions and the posts of great work happening during February!

    11. Hi! I’m very interested in taking this class, but I am just wondering where we post our photos? On your blog or our own and link to you? I am asking because I wouldn’t have time to do a blog post with pic everyday for 30 days, but I could definitely take a photo a day for 30 days!

    12. I am in tears. I begged and borrowed the money and just got it today. As soon as I got home I came here to sign up and it’s sold out! I didn’t even know there was a limit. Life is so not fair sometimes.

    13. please message me if you space becomes available! I was just thinking I would love to do a 30 day photo challenge when my friend sent me this link. too late!

      if you make more room or do one in march let me know!

      my blog:

    14. hello,

      i would love to take your class, so sorry i missed signing up in time… will you offer another in the future?

    15. If space becomes available please message me too! I am so bummed that I only found out about this today :( Please say you will do another class in the near future.
      xo, Merissa

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