Did you know that you can download a free beta version of Lightroom 4 right now?  You don’t get to keep it forever but until March 31, 2012 which is practically forever. I don’t do a lot of work in Lightroom right now, I have downloaded the trial a few times but for what I do, it hasn’t really worked for me.  I also use the free Camera Raw (ACR) feature in Photoshop for my simple edits, so I didn’t feel like adding another expense that I wasn’t going to use. I do feel that if you are a photographer that is doing shoots with consistent light and subject that Lightroom could be a lifesaver, one day when I have my product shots down I think Lightroom is going to be mine. If you have been wanting to try out Lightroom I highly suggest downloading your free copy (limited time only).

I cringed today when I noticed one of my fave Flickr photographers had ‘favorited’ the ‘before’, I had inadvertently left the ‘after’ private.  Talk about embarrassing!

I will be editing a photo a day for the remainder of 2012::Project MMXII, this is my ‘after’, you can view the ‘before’ here.  

P.S. If you haven’t already and are so inclined sign-up for the Natural History prints giveaway!

3 thoughts on “MMXII 17::EDITING A PHOTO-A-DAY IN 2012

  1. Penguins? Shut up! I adore this picture!

    I am loving this Natural History theme that you have going on here. Every morning when I get to work my first thought is I wonder what wonderful pic you have for us today. It makes me wish we had a Natural History museum closer to us. I’m sure that you have lots of other great pics to edit, but for now I’m really enjoying these.

  2. I have Lightroom and its great. Im not one of those upgrade at every new release kind of girls since I hate having to relearn a program all over again. Any idea what the new features will be?

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