A lot of you may know (because we blabbed like crazy) that we took on the Everest-esque task of doing Nanowrimo and writing a novel in a month last November. It was an exciting and invigorating time for us and we were on an accomplishment high for a few months after. Sadly, we haven’t been writing since. We decided we needed a little push, an assignment perhaps? Some inspiration? Maybe you are feeling you need that too? We wanted to launch a new series under Inspiration Rx (when you need a little shot of inspo), we wanted a way to get us writing, shooting, drawing or whatever medium it may be, just doing something creative. We feel it positively impacts our lives both personally and professionally. We will be posting weekly ‘Story Starters’, a little snippet to get the wheels churning, we would love it if you played along, all you need to do for the writing prompt is write a few sentences and if the muse calls keep going! For the photo or drawing prompt maybe the sentence will conjure up a visual? We do hope this becomes a fun exercise for you as well! You can add a link in the comments (site, instagram, pinterest) to what you may have done so we can all visit and give you a hip, hip, hooray for your efforts. Wish us luck on this new adventure, here is Michelle’s brave (and delightful) contribution!
Story Starter No. o1:
He arrived out of nowhere but came from somewhere…
… a home, possibly humble, but maybe not… perhaps he had loved a dog, a mother or a doddering great uncle, annoying cousins or the almond-eyed girl in the house next door. He gave no clues to his previous life, though there were times they saw him lost in thought, his eyes shimmering with shards of sorrow, exposed by the evening light.
We hope this inspires you to do something creative today!
illustration by julianna swaney
I love this idea! I wanted your inso to be longer, I was hooked. haha
I always feel the same with Michelle’s stories;) More!