It’s November and it immediately puts an extra spark of excitement in my everyday. We are closer to special birthdays, the beginning of holiday season and of course Nanowrimo where thousands upon thousands of masochistic individuals take on the task of writing a novel in 30 days. Michelle and I accomplished our goal of 50K words in 2015, took a year off of writing to basically recuperate and here we are November 2017. We aren’t going to go full on novel, but we decided to write one word or sentence everyday, I figured we could accomplish that, right? The purpose? Just to write. We love writing and being immersed in the worlds we created with the characters we have come to love, even the most wicked of them. Writing for us also has a really profound effect, it makes us feel more creative and in an industry where we need to constantly be producing it’s nice to know we can find something to re-charge those batteries. I decided one of my goals was to tackle writing a synopsis that would make you want to pick up our novel. I wrote five really, really bad ones yesterday, none capturing the magic of the story. Honestly, writing those synopsis last night was harder than any of the many thousands of pages we churned out previously. Michelle had one note on agreeing to this November and it was that we didn’t judge (ourselves of course) and that we just kept going. It’s so easy when you are writing to come back and censor or really tear your own writing apart, I think that a story could use a little distance, write it, come back to it with fresh eyes if you can and then edit. For today, I just want to be able to write my couple of sentences, hoping they may spark more and that I can come up with a synopsis that is utterly irresistible, I think that it’s an achievable goal (the few sentences, the synopsis, totally striking fear in my heart). I am including some resources below if you want to check out Nanowrimo for yourself or if you have done this before we would LOVE to hear your experience and any insight.
Dabble writing software (this sounds so cool!)
What to do after you finish your Nanowrimo novel