Hooray! We have a winner of the Grand Giveaway! We choose all our winners via the Random Number Generator and Miss Susan H. (Fleurishing) is the winner! (please note the graphic corresponds to the winning answer). Susan has one week from today to claim her prize so please, please, please email us! I am going to go out in an exasperated note here, if Susan doesn’t claim in one week, we will send the prizes back to the designer and we will officially stop doing Bestowals, because that would be just masochistic behavior to continue, dontcha think? This is our third attempt at getting winners for these gorgeous goods. Thank you everyone that participated this round, we LOVED reading your answers, it is always great to get to know you a little better.
Who would I take on a road trip either living or dead and where would we go? Such a hard question! I’m thinking maybe Sir Paul McCartney, he’s my favorite Beatle and he once was quoted as saying every time he has something to say he turns it into a song, I think it would be fun to hear all the songs he would come up with. He probably has a million incredible stories to tell and I would welcome listening to them. Where would we go? Initially I thought I’d go to the Galapagos Islands, just because it’s on my bucket list but doesn’t sound fun with Sir Paul, who’s fair complexion would not lend itself to the equatorial sun, so I am thinking maybe a jaunt through the English or Irish countryside would need to suffice.
Thanks again and Congrats Susan!
Congrats Susan! Such a lovely prize you have won!
REALLY?!! Wow, I never win anything, this is such an amazing surprise!! Thank you so very much.
Congrats Susan! Your comment is so sweet!!
You ladies have the BEST giveaways! I hope they don’t have to end anytime soon :)
Congratulations Susan, you won something really epic and your answer is a very nice one ♥