Product Photography Mock-up Templates

besotted modern mock up templates

modern mock up templates besotted blog

We needed a graphic for our Photoshop for Lettering Artist class pronto, but we didn’t have the time (or energy) to create one the way we had envisioned, it would mean we’d have to clean up our studio desks (gasp) get the lights out, then there’s that little bit of shooting and then editing. Luckily, White Hart Designs had the perfect photo mock-up template for us and all we had to do was add our little graphic and call it a day! We are in love with all the new photo mock-up template choices that are currently available now, this wasn’t so even a few short months ago, it’s a game changer for many businesses!

blogger photo templates via besotted blog

For graphic artists it is a wonderful visual way to show potential designs to clients. We liked these photo mock-up templates for designers:


For artists that sell prints and want to show their work in situ, which is the best way for a potential customer to envision the work in their own home, we liked these:


Lettering artists and pen and ink illustrators just take your original work and digitize it and then add it some of these clever templates:

mug, tote, pillow, clothes, stationery

There’s even some great ones for bloggers! Need an image for a post to be eye catching and pinnable?  We liked these:


We hope you have fun exploring this wonderful and useful resource. Let us know if you have any questions!

5 thoughts on “Product Photography Mock-up Templates

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    But you managed to reveal the subject really accessible and clear.

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